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George didn't want to go home so I brought him back to my house.

He's looking around the place, nobody else is home so it's quiet.

He sits down on the island counter as I search for a Tylenol to help with his headache.

"I'm really sorry, Nick. I wasn't sober"

"So you kept telling me..." I chuckle,"it's fine, at least I can say I've gotten a hickey now"

"What about Clay?"

"Clay won't mind. Trust me, we're all good"

I hand him the Tylenol and get some water to wash it down with.


"You didn't tell me what else I did. Unless I just got drunk and decided to straight away hit it"

"You flirted a little... you told me about all the girls you had sex with and told me you were straight. You told me you didn't like having sex with girls though..."

"I don't" he frowns.

"What's so bad about it?"

"It's like... it's like having sex with a cousin you don't see that often. It feels wrong and you know it's not a good idea but you've already gotten yourself into it"

"You have sex with your cousins?"

He pushes my head playfully and we both laugh.

"You hungry? Or thirsty?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Come on then-" I grab his hand and pull him off the countertop and run down the hall, the clock reads 03:47pm but I ignore it and pull George up the stairs and into my room.

One of the neighbours cats is on my bed when I come in and George stops to squeal.

"Oh my god! You have a cat?" He's obviously excited and plods over to my bed to pet the grey animal.

"No... I must've left the window open and he came in. His name is Lefty, he's friendly"

George blushes and looks up at me, the cat on his lap and purring already as he scratches his small head.

"He's adorable" George smiles.

I sit down at my desk and open a drawer, taking out a small stick of concealer and walking over to my mirror.

"What are you doing?" George asks from behind me.

"My parents will kill me if they see this"

He hums and I hear a door open downstairs.

I snap around to look at George.

"Shit! They aren't meant to be home for another two hours!"

The footsteps are on the stairs as I quickly apply more concealer to the hickey. My door opens and I turn around to meet a wide eyed Clay.

"Nick! I've been calling you all morning!"

He doesn't even notice George on the bed until a few moment later.


He smiles at him and the cat before walking over to me and taking the makeup away,"what are you doing? Why is George petting Lefty on your bed and why haven't you picked up any of my calls?"

"I haven't been home... I didn't have any WiFi, I'm sorry. I went for a drive with George which went on for way longer then I intended"

Clay looks back to George who's just dumbly zoned out.

"I was so worried. Oh my god I thought you were angry at me or that you had been hurt" he hugs me and takes a deep breath. I hug him back

"I have to tell you something"

"Okay." He takes the makeup wipe away from my neck and looks at the hickey underneath.

"And... George did this? While he was... drunk? But you let him? You didn't stop him? You consented and went through with it... even though you're asexual?"

"Yes. And I'm not sorry." I want to be honest with him.

I realise it sounds harsher then intended.

He nods,"but you're asexual?"

I think for a moment,"I don't really see that as a sexual thing? But I think it's one of those things that's as far as I'd go"

"And what's the list like?"

"It's like... uhm.

Romantic stuff would be kissing,thigh touching and cuddling.
Sexual things I'm fine with would be making out and maybe other stuff depending? Like sexual jokes and that.
And then sexual things that's pushing it but I'm still good with are like hickeys, I'd take a shower with someone and if you were with someone I probably wouldn't leave the room unless you wanted me too?" I haven't really done out the list that well...

Clay nods and George scoffs.

We both look at him, the cat long gone,"Don't say 'someone' as if you aren't talking about them" the Brit signals to Clay and I look at George just to turn back to see Clay looking down at me.

"I don't mind that you were with George. I don't mind that he did this. I do mind that you didn't bother even telling me straight away when you got home"

"I'm only back since like 3:30..."

He nods again.

"Do you smoke normal cigs George?" Clay turns to him and gets a nod as an answer.

I only smoke when I'm with someone else. Very rarely I'll just smoke because I feel like it.

"Can I have the concealer back?" Clay still has it in his hands as he reaches for the light in his pocket.

George has the unlit cigarette in his mouth, waiting for Clay.

"Why do you even have that?"

"I have an aunt in Tennessee that thinks my name is Nicola because my mom misspelled a text once... she never corrected her so I get makeup every Christmas"

He chuckles and lights the cigarette while I go back to patching over the bruises.

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