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Dinner is surprisingly not unsettling. Maybe that's because Nicks homophobic Texan dad isn't here to death stare me.

We all chat, dodging the questions about Clay, Nick and I as friends and just talk about normal things that normal people talk about.

Andy's eyes are on Clay, why wouldn't they be? He's gorgeous.

It's actually quite homey, for some reason they feel like family. I wouldn't know, I never sit down to eat dinner and some days I don't even eat dinner at all.

Nick is finished, I'm finished, Andy and Clay are almost and I can't see Nicks moms plate from here.

The room is a bit more tense when the conversation stops and Nick excuses us all. We put away our plates into the dishwasher and head back up the stairs.

Clay takes Nicks hand and offers me his other, I smile and take it, letting him pull me up the last few steps and swinging open the bedroom door.

We all jump onto the bed, I can't see the cat anywhere so he must've left.

Clay takes out his phone and takes a selfie of all of us all cuddled together.

I feel Nick kiss my cheek sloppily and I can't help but blush. Clay looks at us, mock offended.

"What about me?" He gasps.

I lean forward and kiss his cheek, he seems happy with that so we all lay down again.

"What's your favourite animal? George" Nick asks I'm assuming he knows Clays.

I actually don't know that one. I think for a moment and I can sense that they are both looking at me.

"Cats probably. I love cats, they're so soft and quiet"

"Cats?" Clay confirms.

"Yeah. Cats" I nod.

"I like cats" Nick agrees.

"I have a cat and I love her" clay joins in on the cat appreciation.

"How many cats do you guys want. You know, when we get married" I joke and Nick laughs.

Clay is silent.

"Two, along with Patches and Lefty" he seems completely serious.

"Two is a good number" Nick nods.

We lay in comfortable silence.

Nick excuses himself to the bathroom, leaving Clay and sharing a smoke on the bed.

"Do you actually want to get married?" I ask Clay.

"Some day. Maybe to a boy, maybe to a girl. Im not sure but I want to get married"

The cigarette finishes after a minute and we turn to look at each other, our noses touching and I see him smile.

We close the space and kiss, carefully at first but getting more heated in seconds. He slips his tongue into my mouth and I let him top me, I'm gripping onto his shirt.

I guess we didn't think this through, I mean, Nick would only be gone a minute and even worse, he didn't close the door the whole way.

Oh well, too late now.

There's footsteps up the stairs, I assume it's just Nick coming back and since Clay doesn't stop it's safe to say he does too.


Andy appears at the door,"Uhm Nick-" he stops and stares for a moment.

We break apart, flustered.

Clay scratches his neck and Andy turns on his heels heading back to where he came from.

"Oh shit- we traumatised a kid" I say, covering my face.

"He's 13, I'm pretty sure he watches more porn then you do"

"I don't watch porn" I shoot a look at him and he chuckles.

"Point proven"

I shake my head with embarrassment,"you aren't even fazed we were walked in on?"

"Of course I am, I'm just better at hiding it" he smirks.

Nicks footsteps fill the hall and he swings around the door, closing it behind him and jumping on the bed.

"Hi" Clay says and grabs him, pulling him into his arms and swinging about with a grin.

There's another knock on the door and Andy pushes it open, Clay is all cuddled with Nick and I'm on my phone casually.

"Nick, hey- can I talk to you?" He says and Clay glances at me just as I share the eye contact.
I close the door behind me and cross my arms,"what's up?"

He scratches his neck,"I think Clay is cheating on you with George. Well- I know. I saw them kissing. I don't just mean kissing I mean like"

He starts using his hands to demonstrate, trying to lighten what to him is a big deal.

I just laugh at him,"Clay? George? Come here"

They were obviously waiting at the door for this, I'm sure they knew what this was about and they open it up, standing awkwardly next to each other on the landing.

"Did you guys give my brother something to cry about?"

Andy is still confused and George looks at his feet while Clay makes burning eye contact with the thirteen year old who is way shorter then his tall ass.

"Yeah, sorry about that" the blonde smirks at me.

Andy is still silent.

"Look, you're 13 on the internet I'm sure you've seen a threesome or two" I smile and turn him around, sending him to his room.

We all climb back into the bed and laugh about it, Clay eventually falls asleep hugging George and George tolerates it until he needs to leave.

My eyes settle on the letter still unopened on my desk. Should I?

I get out from the covers and try not to wake Clay all while staring at it in my hands.

I slide my fingernails under its seal and open it, I get a paper cut and wince.

I unfold the test results and scan through them while holding my breath.

ADHD,ADD,depression,Bipolar disorder and bpd.

Shit. Clays fucked up.

"So?" His voice rings in the back of my head and I can't bring myself to tell him.

Blood drops from my lip.

Fucked up| DreamnapnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now