You make me nervous

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Nick has been avoiding me ever since we kissed.

He's been spending tons of time with Heather doing the project.

He always does this, he did it to clay too, does he know that it's not awkward? Maybe he thinks it is?

He doesn't turn around to look at me at all in science and just cracks on with his notes.

Clay and I have been closer recently though, apart from the sex. He even asked me out, on an actual date.

He said he would pay but I would have gone anyway. I really think we could work out.

It's Thursday today, we're going out on Saturday.

Only two more days.

I catch Nick looking at me but he quickly turns around and chews his lip, bits of blood dripping onto his copy.

Jesus Christ, i write a quick note and wait for the teacher to turn around before flinging it at the back of his head.

He picks it up off the floor and reads it, writes something down, then nothing. He doesn't toss it back.

Eventually he does and I read it, write something and throw it back at him.

This goes on for a while until the conversation ends and he flips me off, the teacher sees this and scolds him for his antisocial behaviour.

This goes on for a while until the conversation ends and he flips me off, the teacher sees this and scolds him for his antisocial behaviour

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I laugh at his drawings and put the note in my pocket.

The bell goes off for end of class and I watch Nick try to leave quickly, but the teacher calls him back.

I stand outside the door and lean against the frame, taking out the note and tracing his handwriting with my finger.

"Oooh someone's got a crush" a British voice says, I look up to see Wilbur making kissy faces at me and I look him up and down. Not my type.

"Who is she?" He asks, coming to stand next to me while I hide the note in my pocket.

"Wil, what do you think of gay people?"

"Oh. Uh- nothing against them. Be who you are n that, innit? Why?"

"I'm fucking this guy, but I'm into his boyfriend, but his boyfriend is into both of us and I think I accidentally fell in love with the guy I'm fucking as well as his boyfriend"

"Woah- calm down there. I haven't spoken to you in a while and now you're homo? How homo?"

"Not very. I'm just into these two guys but I still like girls. I don't think I could like a girl in the way I like these guys though"

"George?" Nicks voice makes me blush and Wilbur raises an eyebrow, looking at Nick behind me.

"You actually feel like that?"

I turn around and look at him,"Nick, this is Wilbur, Wilbur this is Nick"

"You're in love with Clay?"

"Yeah..." Wilbur backs away.

"I'll text you later" he says and leaves us alone.

"Now isn't a really good time to talk about this... but Clay and I had a chat awhile ago. Come over later?"

I smile and nod.

"I'm sorry I ignored you. I don't really know what to do after something like that happens"

"We should do it again" I wink and smirk, he bites his lip but it doesn't bleed this time.

"That's a seriously bad habit" I point out.

"What is?"

"You always bite your lip"

"I do it when I'm nervous, or happy- or angry I guess"

"Awh, do I make you happy?" I say, a hand to my chest.

"No... you make me nervous" he bites his lip again and this time it bleeds.

I tilt my head,"elaborate"

"Not here"

"Yes here"



He sighs.

"You make me nervous, I never know what you're gonna do next. I don't know if you're going to slap me across the face and call me a fag or if you're going to pull me aside and proclaim your love for me, then start ballroom dancing in the middle of the school hall"

"...But you like that?" I question.

He nods his head vigorously,"a lot"

"Cute" I say and he blushes.

"Wanna go smoke in the bathroom?" He offers.

"I cant say no" I shrug and put my arm around his shoulder.

I feel dizzy, I haven't smoked since that night with Clay on the roof and these cigs are strong as fuck.

"Where did you get these? You cant buy them, you're underage"

"Clay used to smoke this kind and he left them at my house a few months ago, they've just been stuck under my bed for a while"

We pass it between each other in silence.

"We should probably move into a stall, the bell for next class is about to go so people will come in here"

We slide off the sink counter and into the disabled stall, sitting next to each other on the floor with our thighs touching.

I can feel him looking at me so I turn and look at him too.

"You really could be a model" he half whispers.

"Could I now?" I grin and take a drag but almost the second the cig is out of my mouth he kisses me, the smoke I inhaled transferring to his lungs and I get huge damn butterflies.

"Who is this? You making the first move? Damn Nicholas"

He blushes and exhales the smoke, scratching the back of his neck.

"Come here" I pull him down into another kiss and drop the cigarette, putting it out with my thumb. It only burns a little but we need to get to our next class.

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