Definitely nutting in other men

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TW: read description
Clay kisses me deeply on the toilet seat, it's not the most appealing place for a first kiss but what can I do now?

One of his hands is holding my jaw upwards while the other carefully undoes my belt, bringing it through the loops and continuing to make out with me.

It's impressive he's doing this all with his eyes closed but the way he kisses me makes me feel like it's not his first time.

We break apart to breath momentarily so I ask him the question he knows is coming.

"Have you ever done this before?" I try to catch my breath as he smirks and shakes his head.

"Never. But I'm sure it'll be fine... if you're up to it?"

"Fuck yes-" he cuts me off with another kiss but then trails off down my neck, leaving a quick hickey before pulling down my pants.

My breathing quickens and my hands find a way to his neck.

His soft lips wrap around my tip, not taking even a quarter yet but finding his way down eventually without gagging.

I moan loudly but he brings his hand up to my mouth to silence me, all while going faster and faster.

My brain is telling me to bite his fingers but my dick is telling me being quiet is hot.

I haven't had this done to me in a while, I swear it's so much better then I remember.

Clays free hand starts making circles on the exposed bits of my thighs, I'm not sure why I feel like this with him but he keeps pushing me just to the edge and then bringing me back down again.

I cant take it anymore and I climax into his mouth, Clay gags and then pops off me, licking up anything left around that escaped him.

He takes his hand away from my mouth, it's hanging open and my breathing is uneven.

Clay laughs and falls back to lay against the slanted wall.

"Jesus Christ... you sure you haven't done that before?" I say while buttoning my jeans and zipping my fly.

He wipes his mouth and watches me struggle with my belt, my body shaking.

He stands back up and helps me, giving me a small kiss before taking my hand and pulling me out the door.
They walk in the door, I don't say anything because I could hear him crying and I know it was probably a lot heavier then I need right now.

I know I should've helped him but I feel like after hearing all his stuff and dealing with mine I didn't think I could take it.

Thank god for Clay. He's smiling but still shaking a little.
"I'll see you later" I smile and walk away, Clay by my side. He seems to be going the same way to me, I have to walk home since my sister has her car.

The second we turn the corner he grabs my two arms, making me jump. He holds me tight, not to the point it hurts but just before it.

"We cannot tell him. Ever. It was a one time thing" he hisses, almost a whisper.

"It seems a lot of people are telling me it's a one time thing. I fucking hate it- being a bloody side piece for everyone"

He grits his teeth and looks to the sky, pushing me back into the brick wall. This makes me smile a little.

"I know what you mean, but as much as I enjoyed it I don't think it would be good"

Our eyes lock again,"you want your relationship with Nick to move faster then it is, don't you?"

He sighs,"a little. I mean, we've known each other since we were babies and we've been dating 5 weeks but we haven't even kissed yet. I just want it to be a little more like we're dating instead of like it's always been"

"Then go back in there and speed it up, he's definitely not going to make the first move and you're too pussy to do anything about it"

He takes a step closer to me and smiles, bending down and kissing me carefully on my lips, I don't kiss him back because it's over before I realise what happened.

"I will. Thank you"

"Why would you do that if you just said it was a one time thing?" I ask, a little more harsh then I intended.

"Because I really wanted too" he stands back and starts walking back around the corner, back to Nicks row house,"and you have a beautiful cock"

I raise my eyebrows and open my mouth to laugh but no noise comes out.
I start cleaning away anything I can find in my floor, hiding Clays pack of cigarettes he left behind under my bed like all the rest.

My door opens without its usual knock and I turn around to see Clay walking over to me with purpose.

"Oh- your cigs are under my-" he isn't listening to me.

He strides over and grabs my chin, lifting it up and kissing me, his body pressing closer to mine as he pulls me in by the waist.

I kiss him back, feeling butterfly's in my stomach as his hand traces up my spine under my shirt.

We break apart and soon reconnect, letting him push me backwards onto my bed.

He climbs carefully on top of me and quickly stops,"is this okay? I don't mean to rush y-" it's my turn to cut him off as I pull his neck down and kiss him, feeling him smile.

I can taste the tobacco on his tongue but I let it slide since it'll probably always be like this.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket and Clay stops for a second to let me check it, I don't recognise the number so I shut it off and keep going with him happily.

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