Y/n A.K.A. Moon Knight has been a wanted vigilante for the past give years and can not remember anything beyond the start of his career as a crimefighter. However, on one mission he encounters a demon and some new friends and slowly the events of Y...
In the city, Truksa down by the docs, A group of men carried crates off a boat. A masked figure sitting on a rooftop gazed down on the scene, their coat flapping at the wind before one of the men carrying crates put down a container and sighed, wiping their forehead suddenly a crescent dart hurled through the air and impaled the man on of the ends sticking all the way through his hand making him scream out in pain. Blood dripped from the wound, the rest of the people ran to the man as one of them spoke.
???:" Oh shit."
They looked to see the masked figure leap off the rooftop as they punched one of the men in the face. Another man tried to punch at the figure before then grabbed the arm of the attack before snapping it, making the attacker scream out before the group of workers charged at the figure. The figure reached into their coat and put on a pair of brass knuckles; the masked figure began to attack every one of them, blood spewed out with every punch due to the spikes of the brass knuckles. Y/n started to beat all of them down, making blood spew out over their white outfit as the figure walked to the man with the crescent dart in his hand as; the figure grabbed the man by his shirt snd spoke the figure's blue, glowing eyes looking into the man's eyes.
Masked figure:" Where's your boss?"
Man with hurt hand:" I-I-I don't know."
The masked figure growled as its glowing blue eyes narrowed as it spoke.
Masked figure:" Do not lie to me!"
The man with the crescent dart in his hand then gulped and spoke.
Man with hurt hand:" M-My b-b-boss is in the where house district!"
The masked figure put the man down as the figure spoke.
Masked figure:" If you're lying to me, I'll break the other one."
Man with hurt hand:" The other wha-"
The masked figure then broke the man with a hurt hand's arm bending it in the wrong direction and stood up as a voice echoed in his head.
???:" You didn't have to do that, Y/n."
The masked figure, now known as Y/n, spoke as he looked at a ghostly male with H/c hair and E/c eyes wearing a yellow hoodie before another voice spoke.
???2:" Shut the fuck up, Auggie!"
Y/n and Auggie turned to see another ghostly male identical to Auggie but wearing a black leather jacket and a red t-shirt.
Auggie:" Jack, he didn't have a reason t-."
Jack:" He was doing it to show he means business and that he's not willing to hurt people to get what he-."
Y/n's fists clenched as she shouted out.
Y/n:" Jack! Auggie! Both of you shut the fuck up! We have work to do!"
Auggie and Jack nodded before Y/n grabbed one of his truncheons in its baton configuration as a grappling hook shot out of it before he grappled off the ground to the warehouse district.
*Scene change*
Y/n looked down at a group of three different guards as one of them spoke.
Gaurd1:" So, did you hear?"
Gaurd2:" Hear what?"
Gaurd3:" That Moon Knight attacked our base at the docs."
Gaurd2 scoffed before he spoke.
Gaurd2:" Oh please, Moon Knight isn't real, just a myth."
Y/n jumped off the building and landed in front of the guards as Gaurd1 shouted out.
Gaurd1:" Oh shit, it's Moon Knight!"
All three guards pointed their guns at Y/n as Gaurd3 spoke.
Gaurd3:" Be careful everyone, I hear Moon Knight attacks with all sorts of random bullshit."
Gaurd2 scoffed before he spoke, pointing his gun at Y/n.
Guard2:" Oh please, I got him dead to rights."
Y/n yowled out as he threw his crescent darts and several knives at the guards.
The projectile weapons all stabbed into the guards as one of them yelled out.
Guard1:" Damn you, Moon Knight!"
The projectiles then exploded, killing all of the guards, blood splattering into Y/n's white suit as Y/n walked past them into the where house as he looked at a man sitting in a hair who looked slightly startled before he spoke.
???:" So you must be the famous Moon Knight."
Y/n only nodded as the man spoke and whipped out a gun as he shouted out.
???:" Well, you're not killing me that easily-"
Right as the man fired the gun as it hit Y/n, making his blood shoot out as Y/n hit the man in the head with a crescent dart before he took another one as he stood over him, and he took the crescent dart and stabbed into the man's forehead and began to crave his flesh as the man scream out. Y/n had carved a crescent moon into the man's forehead before he exited the warehouse; hearing the sounds of cop sirens in the distance, he grappled off into the night. After running over rooftops and grappling across several buildings, Y/n reached an abandoned apartment building before entering it. Y/n entered a vacant apartment seeing both Auggie and Jack floating by a silver statue of a man with a staff with a crescent moon on top Y/n sat down in a leather armchair before putting his hood down and taking off his mask, revealing a face that looked just like Auggie and Jack's but with light brushing and messy hair as he turned to a figure sitting in a chair across the room from him.
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The figure spoke, looking at Y/n as it spoke Y/n looking back into its eyeless sockets.