The sun & the moon

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Third-Person P.O.V~

Y/n sighed as he stood in his apartment, looking over his damaged hovercraft before speaking.

Y/n:" Ducktape can't fix this."

Y/n looked up at Auggie, who was floating next to Jack as he spoke.

Y/n:" Okay, Auggie, I need you to fix the moon board so...."

A massive toothy grin spread across Auggie's face as he spoke.

Auggie:" Does that mean...."

Y/n:" Yes, you get to take over my body. But only until it's fixed. No taking my body around like the first time we met."

Auggie:" Hey, for all we know, I could be the original, and it's my body."

Jack:" Shut up, August; if we know anything, I'm the original, and it's my body."

Y/n:" Shut up, Jack."

Y/n sighed before he looked up and spoke.

Y/n:" Okay, Auggie, take over."

Y/n fell back on his ass as he began to shake like his body was having a seizure before he stood up and smiled.

Auggie:" Thanks, Y/n!"

Auggie looked up to see Y/n, wearing a blue trench coat and jeans while floating up by Jack as he spoke.

Y/n:" Yeah, Yeah, whatever, just make it quick."

Auggie smiled as he quickly began to repair the hovercraft. After two minutes of working, he had finished before noticing a light coming out of the apartment window as he spoke.

Auggie:" Um, guys?"

Y/n and Jack both turned to Auggie to see what he had seen.

Outside the apartment and in the night sky was a giant image of Ra symbol made from fire as Auggie spoke

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Outside the apartment and in the night sky was a giant image of Ra symbol made from fire as Auggie spoke.

Auggie:" Um, guys, what's that mean?"

Khonshu:" It's relatively simple, my son."

Auggie, Y/n, and Jack turned to see Khonshu sitting in his leather armchair as he spoke.

Khonshu:" My old friend Ra has an avatar who wants to see us."

Khonshu snapped his fingers, and suddenly, Y/n was the one in control of the body again as his god spoke.

Khonshu:" Y/n, go kill him."

Y/n nodded as he got his suit and on threw his hovercraft out the window before hopping on it and flying off where the eye of Ra was near. Y/n landed on a building close to the eye was as heard a voice.

???:" Why hello there fist of Kh-. Who are you?"

Y/n turned to see a man wearing a crimson jacket and a sun necklace as he spoke while pointing at the man with his crescent dart.

Y/n:" I'm Moon Knight, ya lunatic."

The man grinned and laughed as he pointed, and Y/n spoke.

???:" You call me a lunatic!? I'm not the avatar of a god who's wearing a white supremacist-looking outfit."

Y/n growled as he shouted out in anger, pointing the dart in his hand at the man.

Y/n:" How dare you?! This white suit is a beacon of hope to all nighttime travelers!"

The man scoffed as he spoke rolling his eyes.

???:" Yeah, okay."

Y/n then shouted out as he took his two truncheons and converted them into their sword forms, creating a pair of dual swords as he charged towards, then charged towards, the man. The man's hand caught on fire as he shot at Y/n, making him go flying back as some of his white suit had become charred and black.

Y/n:" W-what the."

The man grinned as he spoke.

???:" I'm the avatar of Ra, the sun god; it's only natural that I can control fire."

Y/n and the man began to fight as every time Y/n attacked the man, he would get burned, and before Y/n knew it, twenty minutes had passed as the man spoke. Y/n then grinned as he spoke.

Y/n:" You know for the king of the gods you really should watch your back?"

Y/n's hovercraft then rammed the back of the man knocking them off the skyscraper before Y/n lept off the building and stabbed one of his blades into the man's chest, making them chuckle as they spoke, looking up at Y/n.

Y/n:" What's so funny?"

???:" You think I'm the only one! There are many, many supernatural beings in this city! And they're all coming after you, fist of Khonshu!"

The man turned to flames making Y/n look down at his charred white glove as he spoke.

Y/n:" Why are they after me..."

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