An old flame

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Y/n P.O.V~

I yawned as I got ready, putting on my suit. After I was finished, I marched out of my hotel room and stood on the rooftop, ready to begin my night of vengeance. I looked down at my hands and spoke to myself.

Y/n:" Less, brutal, for William."

I took in a breath as I lept off the rooftop. I fired my truncheon as I looked around, trying to find someone. I then heard a voice screech out, making me turn my head.

???:" Help! For the love of god, someone help!!!"

I grappled across buildings and over the rooftops as I saw a woman being mugged in an alleyway. I landed in the alleyway as I spoke, my glowing eyes narrowing.

Moon Knight:" Leave her alone, or else."

The mugger grinned and smiled at me while speaking.

Mugger:" Oh, really, what are you going to do?"

The mugger walked up to me as he spoke.

Mugger:" What is your dumb napkin-looking ass going to do?"

I growled as I took my truncheon and smacked him across the face making the mugger fall as blood poured out of his mouth. I kicked the mugger repeatedly as more and more blood began to spatter over me, bigging to stain my white suit. As I was about to deliver the final blow, a crimson wire wrapped around my wrist, and I heard a feminine voice speak.

???:" That's enough."

I turned around to see a woman wearing a red outfit. She was honestly pretty beautiful...

The woman's eyes narrowed as she spoke

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The woman's eyes narrowed as she spoke.

???:" I have no problem beating up criminals, but I can't let you kill him. It's going to give me a bad reputation."

I narrowed my eyes as I dropped the mugger and I spoke.

Y/n:" Listen, Daredevil-. Are you daredevil?"

Daredevil:" Yes."

Y/n:" Okay, Daredevil, I don't mean to give you a bad rep. But I need to find a way to be less brutal on my criminals, and I figured this would be an excellent place to test out some ideas."

Daredevil:" You want to be less brutal."

Daredevil walked up to me and spoke.

Daredevil:" Have some fucking restraint. Now leave."

Y/n:" I can't do that. Not yet."

Daredevil spoke in a chilling voice as she took out a pair of sai and spoke.

Daredevil:" We'll I can't have you here, so..."

Daredevil walked up to me, her face inches from mine as she spoke.

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