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Y/n P.O.V~

I groaned and yawned as I woke up before I felt pain surge through my body.

Y/n:" AH! Fucking dick!"

I then looked down to see my left arm and a part of my chest covered in bandages. Raven then ran to me as she spoke.

Raven:" Oh my god! Y/n, are you okay!?"

I groaned as I nodded and spoke.

Y/n:" Yeah, I'm okay. What happened? Did I get my money back?"

Raven:" Yeah, don't worry, we got it."

Y/n:" But where are we going?"

Raven:" We're going to see my boyfriend."

Y/n:" Shouldn't we get me some medical attention."

Raven:" Ah~ don't worry about it; we can do both."

Y/n:" Oh..okay..."

*Two-day time skip*

Raven smiled as she drove a purple car with Y/n and herself into the parking lot of the Xavier school for gifted youngsters. Raven parked the vehicle before Y/n, and she exited it before she looked around the school grounds and screamed out in joy seeing someone.

Raven:" Remy!"

A man with brown hair and glowing red eyes wearing a coat smiled and spoke.

Remy:" Raven!"

Y/n slightly smiled and sighed before he spoke to himself.

Y/n:" God, I'm lonely."

Kitty:" Y/n?"

Y/n looked to see Kitty staring at him while he spoke.

Y/n:" Oh, hey Kitty. How'd you recognize me without the mask?"

Kitty:" I recognized your voice."

Y/n:" Oh."

Kitty:" But anyway, I've been trying to reach you. Follow me."

Y/n:" But I- Woah!"

Kitty grabbed Y/n's arm and began to drag him across the school's campus, needing to show him something.


Y/n sat in a white room waiting for Kitty. Kitty had put him in that room while she went to find her friend who could possibly help him with his memory issues and D.I.D. The door to the room then opened, making Y/n look up as Kitty entered the room with a woman with dark hair as she spoke.

Kitty:" Okay, Y/n, this is my friend Besty. She should be able to help you with your problem."

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