Y/n A.K.A. Moon Knight has been a wanted vigilante for the past give years and can not remember anything beyond the start of his career as a crimefighter. However, on one mission he encounters a demon and some new friends and slowly the events of Y...
Y/n crouched on a rooftop looking down over the city, scanning the horizon with his eyes looking for something. Y/n's eyes widened before he grinned under his mask and leaped off the rooftop, and grabbed his truncheon firing the grappling hook and swinging over the city before landing in an alleyway and speaking, seeing the creature he had been searching for.
Y/n:" There you are."
Y/n gazed as the werewolf came out of the shadows and raised at him. Y/n had gotten info about the werewolf from several sightings, and after beating the answer out of some people. Y/n took his truncheon and converted it into its bo-staff form before he charged at the werewolf it running at him. Y/n attempted to hit the wolf, but it caught the staff in its jaws as Y/n growled before Y/n kicked the wolf, trying to get his staff free. Still, the wolf shook him off, making him go flying as the wolf then spit out the staff making Y/n growl as he put on his brass knuckles as charged at the wolf once again, getting a good few punches in and cutting the wolf with the knuckles spikes before the wolf bit onto Y/n's right arm making blood shoot out as Y/n screamed out. The wolf then hurtled Y/n back, making him land by his staff as it charged at him. Y/n took his staff and made the blade of its sword form pop out of the top, making a make-shift spear, and as the wolf opened its mouth to bite Y/n again, he stabbed into the mouth, making the blade stick out of the top of the wolf's head a little bit of brain on the blade before Y/n pulled out the spear and got back to his feet as he panted. Y/n sighed before he heard a voice making him turn around as his blood dripped on the ground.
???:" So you're the one who killed my pray?"
Y/n looked to see a man with a metal arm and a katana drawn.
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Y/n tiled his head, his glowing blue eyes gazing into man's crimson ones.
Y/n:" I'm sorry. Do I know you?"
The man smiled as he spoke and pulled his hood down.
???: No, but it won't matter. I'm going to kill you anyway."
Y/n:" Why, what the fuck did I do to you?"
The man pointed at the wolf using his sword.
???:" You just cost me a lot of money. Do you know how much I would've gotten if I brought that werewolf in? I could have paid off my student loans, man."
Y/n sighed as he spoke.
Y/n:" Well, I'm sorry, man, but there's nothing I can do about it now."
Y/n was about to walk off, but the man charged at him, making him turn around and block the man's attack as he kicked the man's chest, making him go flying back before landing on his feet. Y/n growled as he took his other truncheon, converting it into its sword form before doing the same with his other one and connecting them at the handles creating a double-sided sword. Y/n took his double-sided blade and charged at the man. Their swords collided, making sparks as they began to attack each other relentlessly. The man then kicked Y/n, making him stumble back before punching him with his metal arm making him go flying back. Y/n then growled as he threw his double-sided sword like a boomerang, it going past him as the man spoke with a grin on his face.
???" You missed."
Y/n grinned under his mask as he spoke.
Y/n:" Did I?"
The double-bladed sword then came flying back, making the man duck as Y/n caught his sword. Y/n slashed downwards at the man before the man sweep kicked him, making Y/n fall on his ass. The man pointed his katana at Y/n's neck.
???:" You're dead."
Y/n grinned as he spoke.
Y/n:" You really need to watch your back."
Y/n's hovercraft came flying towards the man attempting to ram him before he cut it in half, the prices going in separate directions making Y/n scream out in anger.
Y/n:" God damn it, I just fixed that!!"
Y/n disconnected his swords and got ready to fight. The man did the same, but right before they were going to attack, the man's phone began to ring. The man picked up the phone as he spoke.
???:" Oh, okay. Understood, master."
The man hung up the call as he spoke, looking at Y/n.
???:" I would love to stay and finish the fight, but I'm needed elsewhere. See ya."
Y/n shouted out at the man as he exited the alleyway.
Y/n:" Hey, you can't go! You have to pay for my ride?"
But it was no use the man had already left making Y/n curse under his breath.
Y/n:" Fuckin' dick."
Y/n then screamed out!
Y/n:" What's your name!!?"
The man yelled back.
Rich:" Rich!!"
Y/n:" Fuck you, Rich!!!"
Rich:" What's your name!!?"
Y/n:" Y/n!!"
Rich:" Fuck you, Y/n!!!"
The two of them began to yell fuck you at each other for about half an hour before Y/n and Rich both left Y/n, grabbing the pieces of his hovercraft and starting his walk at home.