An unexpected encounter

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Third-Person P.O.V~

Y/n crouched on a rooftop looking down at a meeting between a group of gangs. Y/n's eyes narrowed as he heard what they were saying.

Gang member1:" You got the shit?"

Gang member2:" Yeah, we got the shit, you got the slaves?"

Y/n's eyes widened as he grew angry.

Gang member1:" Yeah, we've got 'em, twenty-two mutant slaves for the taking."

Y/n growled as he lept off the rooftop and landed on the ground making the gang members scream out as they shouted.

Gang member2:" Oh shit, it's Moon Knight!"

Y/n then grabbed his two truncheons and converted them from their baton form into the sword form as he slashed at the gang members; with every slash, someone lost a limb, or someone was killed, making blood spatter on Y/n's white suit. Y/n then walked over to one of the gang members and stabbed into their head before he pulled the sword out of their skill, making their blood fly onto the ground as it dripped down the blade.

Auggie:" Y/n, you shouldn't have killed them all so quickly they could have had information about where the enslaved people are."

Y/n:" Relax, Auggie, I'll just raid their stuff."

Jack:" Yeah, man, you don't have to worry."

Auggie sighed as he watched Y/n pick up a map out of one of the pockets of the dead gang members as he heard a voice.

???:" Hey, um, Mr. Knight, is it?"

Y/n whipped around slashed a sword, only for it to phase through a young woman as she spoke. Y/n's eyes widened as he spoke.

Y/n:" What the fuck?"

Y/n began to move the blade back and forth as the woman spoke again.

???:" Please stop."

Y/n:" Sorry."

The woman cleared her throat as she spoke.

???:" Listen, I saw you pick up a piece of paper from one of those gang members. Could you take me to where it leads?"

Y/n:" And why would I do that?"

???:" Look, I just want to rescue those mutants. Will you help me?"

Y/n retracted the blade into the truncheon as he spoke.

Y/n:" Sure."

The woman smiled as she spoke, her hand outstretched for a handshake.

Kitty:" Nice to meet you, Mr.Knight. I'm Kitty."

Y/n:" Nice, I'm Y- Moon Knight

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Y/n:" Nice, I'm Y- Moon Knight."

Kitty cocked an eyebrow as she spoke.

Kitty:" Oh, so I tell you my first name, and I get your made-up one?"

Y/n:" *sigh* Fine, you can call me Y/n."

Kitty:" Nice to meet ya, Y/n, but we have to move quickly if we want to get to the mutants."

Y/n:" Don't worry, I have a way."

Y/n reached under his mask and let out a long whistle as a hovercraft resembling a crescent came down from the air and hovered in front of Y/n; Y/n stepped on top of it before he looked down at Kitty as he spoke.

Y/n reached under his mask and let out a long whistle as a hovercraft resembling a crescent came down from the air and hovered in front of Y/n; Y/n stepped on top of it before he looked down at Kitty as he spoke

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Y/n:" Well, come on, get on."

Kitty gulped as she got on and held onto Y/n as they flew off high into the sky as Kitty spoke.

Kitty:" Got any family?"

Y/n:" I don't think so? Why do you ask?"

Kitty:" Just trying to make some conversation. And what do you mean you don't think so?"

Y/n:" Well, I can't remember anything before the past five years."

Kitty:" Wow, really, I'm sorry, that must be tough."

Y/n:" Don't be; it's okay you didn't know."

As they grew closer to the location, Y/n saw the skyscraper they were looking for as Y/n shouted out.

Y/n:" Get ready! We're going straight through the window!"

Kitty:" Wait, what!"

Y/n's hovercraft dove towards the building as Kitty used her powers, making the both of them phase through the building. Kitty then screamed out in anger at Y/n.

Kitty:" Are you insane!?"

Y/n turned and looked at Kitty speak with a completely blank face under his mask.

Y/n:" Yes."

Kitty sighed as they began to look around the building for the captured mutants, but after a couple of minutes of searching, Kitty let out a shout.

Kitty:" Y/n I found them, help me open the door."

Y/n ran over to Kitty and began to help pry open a door before it broke off, making the both of them fly back as Kitty quickly ran in and shouted.

Kitty:" All mutants, come with me! Y/n you too."

All of the freed mutants began to run after the two of them as Kitty quickly got them all in a van, and Y/n was about to leave before she spoke.

Kitty:" Hey, Y/n."

Y/n looked over to Kitty, sitting the van, and spoke.

Y/n:" What is it?"

Kitty:" So um, I know a couple of telepaths, and I was just wondering if you would like me to get you in contact with one of them, maybe see if one of them can help you remember your past."

Y/n's eyes narrowed as he spoke.

Y/n:" That sounds nice, but what's the catch?"

Kitty smiled as she spoke.

Kitty:" No catch, think of it as payment for helping me."

Y/n smiled under the mask as he spoke.

Y/n:" Thanks."

Kitty smiled as she told him it was no problem before she drove off. Y/n then entered the skyscraper before entering an office and kicking in the door, making the woman sitting in it scream out as they spoke.

???:" W-who are you?"

Y/n growled as he spoke.

Y/n:" I'm the one who sends you human trafficking pieces of garbage to the underworld."

The woman shuttered as she spoke.

Woman:" W-What are you going to do?"

Y/n marched towards her as her screams echoed throughout the building's hallways before Y/n went back to the rooftop, a bloodied crescent dart in his hand before he called his hovercraft back to him and flew off into the night, his blood-stained coat flapping in the wind.

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