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Y/n P.O.V~

Raven and I walked through the streets of Transylvania, me looking up at Dracula's castle on top of a mountain. Raven turned to me, her eyes meeting with mine as she spoke.

Raven:" So how does Dracula owe you money again?"

Y/n looked over to Raven as he spoke, now shrugging.

Y/n:" Honestly, it's been so long I don't even remember why Dracula owes me money, but a guy has gotta live by a code, ya know?"

Raven smiled as she spoke; we continued walking towards the castle.

Raven:" Yeah, I get it."

The two of us then walked up the mountain, only taking about two hours, and we came across the castle. We approached the castle before I opened the door to the castle as we entered it. I saw only a large empty corridor as we walked through it, careful not to set up any traps. The two of us walked up a set of steps, not seeing anyone. Raven sighed and crossed her arms while speaking.

Raven:" Let's slip up. We can cover more ground that way."

Y/n:" Okay, see you then."

The two of us split up as I began to walk another set of stairs, holding one of my truncheons as I spoke.

Y/n:" I know you're here, Dracula, you big fucking nerd. Where's my goddamn money!"

I kept on descending the stairs, hearing the sound of flapping. I quickly turned my truncheon from its baton form to its bo staff mode. A swarm of bats then came flying at me, slightly scaring me as I screamed out, jabbing at every one of the bats.

Y/n:" Fucking bats! Fuck you!"

The bats passed by me and then sighed as I heard a chuckle. I growled as I whipped my head around to see Auggie and Jack both covering their mouths laughing at me.

Y/n:" Fuck you guys two."

Jack:" Hey, don't threaten me with a good time."

Y/n:" You know what, both of your using my body privileges are revoked for laughing at me."

Jack then shouted out in anger.

Jack:" Fuck you, it's by the body! You're the one who jacked it!"

Auggie:" Heh, "jacked"."

I let out a growl of anger at Auggies pun as we all began shouting and arguing.

Third-Person P.O.V~

Raven sighed as she had her hands in her coat pockets; she looked around before hearing a voice.

???:" Well, well, well, what is the ghost rider doing here in my castle?"

Raven turned her head and transformed into her ghost rider form, her skin burning away as she spoke.

Raven:" Dracula..."

The vampire grinned, showing his fangs while speaking

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The vampire grinned, showing his fangs while speaking.

Dracula:" Yes, and you are?"

Raven summoned a flaming chain, using it like a whip before swinging it and speaking.

Raven:" I'm here to collect your debt."

Dracula ducked under the chain before launching himself at the ghost rider and slashing his sword, only for Raven to catch it with her off-hand, grab it out of Dracula's hands, and throw it away. Raven swung her chain at the vampire, but Dracula dodged the chain, barely nicking him, giving the vampire a slight burn on the left cheek. Raven then attempted to roundhouse kick the vampire, but he transformed himself into a swarm of bats flying around the ghost rider before reforming with a sword in his hands. Raven formed a sword out of flames and swung it at the vampire; the two swords clashed against each other, the blades creating an explosion blasting Raven back as Dracula held her up by the neck while speaking.

Dracula:" I've fought better ghost rider's then you and won. What did you think you could do?"

The vampire raised his sword to cut the ghost rider down before a splash of water fell on them, making Dracula drop the ghost rider as he held his arm, looking up while it smoked.

Dracula:" What!? It isn't possible; this can not be! Holy Water and the Moon Knight!?"

Y/n looked down from a ledge holding a large jug of holy water as he spoke.

Y/n:" That's right bitch! Now, where's my goddamn money? Don't make me come down there and waterboard, you shit-heal!"

Dracula was about to speak before Y/n lept down from the ledge and grabbed Dracula by the hair as he spoke.

Y/n:" Where's the money Dracula!?"

Y/n then dunked Dracula's face in holy water; smoke leaked from it as he spoke.

Y/n:" Where's the money Dracula!!"

The vampire let out a scream.

Y/n:" Where's the fucking money, shithead!!!"

Y/n then pulled Dracula's head out of the water as the vampire spoke, wanting to not be in holy water again as he spoke.

Dracula:" Okay! Okay, here's your seventeen dollars!!"

Dracula reached into a pocket and pulled out some dollar bills handing them to Y/n. Y/n dropped the vampire before helping Raven up as he spoke.

Y/n:" Raven, what do you say we head out?"

Raven:" Sounds good."

We were about to leave before I spoke, turning to Dracula.

Y/n:" Oh, why did you send that werewolf to that town?"

Dracula coughed up holy water as he spoke.

Dracula:" The demon with one eye told me to."

Y/n:" The demon with one eye..."

Y/n screamed as he fell to his knees as an image flashed in his mind.

Raven angrily growled as she let out a roar

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Raven angrily growled as she let out a roar.

Raven:" Y/n!"

Raven shot at flames Dracula, them consuming him as some of the fire spilled over to Y/n, burning up his suit.

Raven:" Oh shit, Y/n, I'm sorry."

Raven quickly picked up Y/n in her arms as she ran, trying to get Y/n some medical attention. Y/n wondered in his mind as Raven ran. Who was the demon with one eye, and how did it have to do with Y/n's past?

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