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Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n sighed as he walked down a street, his coat flapping in the wind as he spoke, looking up at one of the tall skyscrapers. Y/n looked up the building as he spoke, his going blue eyes narrowing.

Y/n:" Why am I here, Khonshu?"

The moon God appeared beside Y/n as he spoke.

Khonshu:" There is a demon in there, my son. I don't know how but they feel familiar to us for some reason."

Auggie and Jack then appeared by the God and Y/n as Jack spoke.

Jack:" Yeah, I feel it too."

Khonshu:" Y/n, kill them."

Auggie:" But Khonshu, sir, they could give us some information on our past?"

Khonshu:" If you can get it, get, but I want them dead, for all we know, it could be the demon that put that damn bounty on your head."

Y/n:" True, very, true."

Y/n sighed as he looked at his comrades and entered the building before finding his way to a staircase and beginning to walk up to the rooftop of the building. Y/n felt as if being drawn there by some otherworldly force. Y/n then exited the stairs, stepping onto the rooftop as he looked around, seeing a well-dressed man staring at him. The man grinned as he looked up, relived an appearance like a demon as he spoke.

???:" So we finally meet."

Y/n clenched his fists as he took a look at the man.

Y/n clenched his fists as he took a look at the man

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???:" Y/n fist of the moon god, Khonshu."

Y/n's eyes narrowed as the man continued to speak.

???:" Or would you prefer me to call you, Jack or Auggie?"

Y/n:" How do you know my name?"

???:" Oh well, you see, you gave a very good friend of mine some trouble a couple of years ago."

Y/n:" Are they the ones who put that bounty on me?"

The man grinned as he nodded as he spoke.

???:" Correct fist of Khonshu."

The man began to walk away before he spoke.

???:" Now I would love to stay and talk, but I must be off. Oh, and tell Khonshu I said hello."

The men teleported away, and Y/n was about to go after him before a blast of green energy came flying at Y/n, making him doge as he heard a voice.

???2:" I'm afraid I can't let you go after my employer."

Y/n gazed as he saw a male demon walking towards him.

Y/n gazed as he saw a male demon walking towards him

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