An old freind

638 20 5

Y/n P.O.V~

I got out of the bed and got dressed while stretching; I looked down as I thought about what Greer had told me last night; I'm a father; god, it sounds so odd thinking that. I yawned as I opened my eyes as the sunlight came through the window of the guest rooms. I quickly got dressed as I exited the first room and was about to leave Greer's house before I heard a voice speak out.

Greer:" Leaving so soon, Y/n?"

I turned around to see Greer as I spoke.

Y/n:" Um, yeah, I was going to check in with my friends. Is there something wrong with that?"

Greer:" William wanted to thank you for saving him, and I was hoping you could stay for breakfast and we could talk about this whole situation is going to work out."

I nodded as Greer took my hand, led me to her kitchen table, and sat me down while she spoke.

Greer:" I'll make you too some breakfast. Wait for William to come down."

I looked down at my hands as Greer began to cook. I then heard footsteps come down the stairs. I looked up to see William walking down the stairs in a set of pajamas; as he looked at me and spoke.

William:" Mommy, who's this hobo?"

I felt slightly offended before Greer smiled and spoke.

Greer:" William deer, that's your father."

Willaim:" I thought the cool dude in the white hood was my daddy?"

I smiled and looked at my kid as Greer spoke.

Greer:" Y/n is the guy in the hood; he's just out of uniform right now."

The little boy looked at me, his green eyes widening as he spoke.

Willaim:" Dad?"

I nodded as tears leaked from the boy's eyes as he pounced on me, tackling me into a hug. I cried as I hugged my son while smiling to myself. I now have a second chance; I have an opportunity to better for William. I have to change and be better, not as I had been for the past five years.

* three-day time skip*

I sighed as I walked down the sidewalk, looking down at my feet as I thought to myself. I need to change, but how can I do that? I've been so brutal for the past five years. I mean, hell, I cut off a guy's fucking face not too long after all. I then accidentally bumped into a man as I spoke.

Y/n:" Oh geez, I'm sorry."

The man got up and looked at me, and spoke.

???:" Hey, it's no problem."

I saw the man pick up a walking cane and put on his glasses again while speaking.

???:" But your voice sounds familiar. Have we met?"

Y/n:" I don't think so."

???:" Wait a minute, say something."

Y/n:" Okay? Murder the most melons."

The man touched my face making me feel uneasy as he spoke.

???:" Y/n?"

My eyes widened as I spoke.

Y/n:" Um yeah, who are you?"

Matt:" You don't know me? Y/n it's me, Matt, remember?"

Y/n:" No I-."

I felt pain in my head as my ears rang. I collapsed to the ground.

*Flashback start!*

I sighed as I looked at my phone. My girlfriend wasn't answering my calls, and I was getting worried. I then heard a loud voice as I turned my head.

Matt:" Yo Y/n!"

I looked to see Matt walking up to me with a grin on his face. I smiled and got up, putting my phone away as I hugged my friend.

Y/n:" Hey man, got any plans after this?"

Matt:" Yeah, Foggy and I are ready to start Law school. Are you still planning on going to Cambridge?"

Y/n:" Yeah, I am; I just need to say goodbye to my girlfriend."

Matt:" How are you and your girlfriend anyway?"

Y/n:" We got into a fight about the school, and she hasn't been returning my calls."

Matt:" Oh, I see; I hope it goes well, man."

Y/n:" Thanks."

Matt:" Hey, what time is it?"

I looked down at my phone and spoke.

Y/n:" 2:15."

Matt:" Okay, I gotta go see you, man."

Y/n:" See you."

Matt left as I looked down at my phone, seeing that I was getting a call; it was my girlfriend. I smiled and answered the call as I spoke.

Y/n:" Dear, what's goin' on?"

Girlfriend:" Hello, darling."

*flashback end*

I looked up at Matt as I spoke.

Y/n:" Mathew Murdock? From high school?"

Matt smiled as he nodded.

Y/n:" Oh dude, it's so good to see you."

My eyes widened as I realized I fucked up and spoke.

Y/n:" Shit. Sorry."

Matt smiled as he helped me up and spoke.

Matt:" It's okay. But anyway, where have you been for the past five years?!"

I sighed as I rubbed my head and spoke.

Y/n:" It's a long story."

Matt smiled before he spoke.

Matt:" I've got time."

Matt and I sat on a bench as I told him about the last five years of my life. My missing memories of my past, joining the avengers, cutting a guy's face off, joining the midnight sons, and finding out I have a kid: my mental health struggles and everything in between. Matt and I sat there in silence for a few minutes before he broke the silence and spoke.

Matt:" So you've been a violent vigilante for the past five years."

Y/n:" Yeah, but I'm trying to be better."

Matt:" How so?"

Y/n:" Well, I can't stop being Moon Knight, so I want to be less violent. I just don't know how while still being able to protect people."

Matt sighed as he placed his hand on my knee and spoke.

Matt:" Look, Y/n as a former vigilante myself."

Y/n:" You were a- Wait! Are you daredevil?"

Matt:" I was daredevil. Keyword Was."

Matt sighed before speaking again.

Matt:" Look, my advice is this: don't let yourself be consumed by the vigilante; spend some time away from the mask if you need to. And think about what causes your actions could have before you do them."

I looked down at my hands before I spoke.

Y/n:" Okay, Matt, I'll try."

Matt smiled before I spoke again.

Y/n:" But I've got one more question for you."

Matt:" What is it?"

Y/n:" Who's Elektra?

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