episode five

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weirdos aplenty

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.


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   ONCE AT SCHOOL, SAM HAD TO FIGHT DOWN HER BREAKFAST AT THE SIGHT OF NANCY AND STEVE. Mike told her about how he caught Steve trying to climb up to the girls window the night before. The Henderson teen could only come up with a few reasons for why he was going up there.
"Oh, God. Look." Carol's annoyingly high pitched voice drew Sam from her thoughts. Looking over, the blonde teen spotted Johnathan pinning up a copy of the missing poster they worked on the day before.
"God, that's depressing." Steve put his hands on his hips, obviously being rude about it.
"Should we say something?" Nancy asked, genuinely feeling bad.
"I don't think he speaks." Carol rolled her eyes.
"How much do you want to bet he killed'em?" Tommy H chuckled. Just then, he buckled and went to the ground hard, hitting his nose in the process.  The group looked over to see Sam passing by them, sending Carol a flirtatious wink.
"God, that fucking queer!" Tommy's voice was muffled and the Henderson girl could only guess it was because of his newly bloody nose.
"Hey Johnny." Sam called, not sparing the group another glance.
"Hey, Sam." Johnathan smiled softly, glancing over her shoulder briefly. He knew the bullies were staring, but he'd just ignored them.
"I can take some posters and hang them around, if you want. I'd have figured you'd gone to see Lonnie at this point." The girl held her hand out for a stack of the posters, a light smile on her face.
"Yeah, I'm actually gonna go now." Johnathan motioned to the door. "Do you wanna come?"
"No, I'm gonna keep an eye on the boys. Just keep me updated, okay?" She took the papers and put them in her book bag. "And be careful. I'm sorry to say but, your dad's an asshole."
"I know, I will." Johnathen nodded slowly, starring down at his shoes. Sam smiled and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"See you later, Johnny boy." The blonde took a step back before turning fully around. A yelp almost escaped her when she came face to face with Nancy Wheeler. 
"Jesus. I could've punched you." Sam sighed, as she rested a hand on her chest.
"Sorry." Nancy smiled sheepishly. The Henderson girl sent her a friendly nod with a tight smile and continued walking away. When she passed by the group, Tommy H grabbed the front of her shirt and slammed her back on the lockers. The teen just laughed.
"Well damn, Tommy. If you wanted my attention so bad you shouldn't have made such a big scene. Now you just look desperate." The look on his face was priceless, the blonde honestly almost barked out a laugh.
"You stupid bitch. Fucking made my nose bleed." He spat in her face, causing Sam to cringe away.
"Listen, bud." Sam pried the boys fingers off her shirt and shoved him away with more strength than he was expecting from her. "You should at the very least brush your teeth before coming to school, because damn. You're breath is almost as bad as your attitude." She smiled sarcastically sweet before confidently walking down the hall.
"I'll kill you, fairy." Tommy yelled after her, trying to get the last word.
"And then Ill fuck your mom." She retorted smoothly over her shoulder.  The bell rang and a female voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Attention faculty and students. At 8 pm tonight, there will be an assembly on the football field in support of Will Byers and his family. All are encouraged to attend. Volunteer sign-ups for search parties are still available in the office. Thank you, and have a good day."


"Sam! Samantha!" Lucas yelled at the teen as she walked out of the larger building.
"What the hell now?" She mumbled before walked quickly to her brother and his friend, ignoring the odd stares she got. "Where's Wheeler?"
"He didn't show up. Your stupid plan didn't work." The Sinclair boy accused, crossing his arms to visualize his frustration.
"Yeah, whatever. Or he ditched to hang out with his new girlfriend." Sam pointed out with raised eyebrows. "Come on, we should just go over there. It won't kill us to check on our grieving friend." She placed her board on the ground and kicked off, leaving the two to catch up.

Karen opened the door and informed the kids Mike was simply sick. She made no mention of them sneaking out or of the girl they found, much to their relief. Sam made sure to give a pointed look to Lucas as soon as she could, just to really rub in his face that she was right.
Sam closed the door of Mike's room behind her when the party reunited. The girl with buzzed hair sat on the bed with a blanket around her legs.
"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas asked rhetorically, his voice low, but laced with anger.
"Just listen to me." Mike insisted as he held his hands out to diffuse the tension.
"You are out of your mind!" The Sinclair boy confirmed.
"She knows about Will." Mike rose his voice over his friends.
"What do you mean 'She knows about Will'?" Dustin repeated his friends confident statement after a beat of silence.
Mike huffed, picking up a pictures of the boys from their science fair. "She pointed at him. At his picture. She knew he was missing, I could tell."
"You could tell?" Lucas repeated with an aggravated exhale.
"Yeah, Mike. That's a bit on the nose. She might just be wondering who he is since he wasn't with us last night." Sam crossed her arms.
"Just think about." The Wheeler boy tried again. "Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place where Will disappeared?"
"That is weird." Dustin agreed with a quick glance to Lucas.
"And she said bad people are after her." Mike waved his hands around manically. Sam shook her head and moved to sit next to the girl. Slowly sitting down on the bed, the girl flinched from the raising voices.
"It's okay, they'll stop yelling soon." Sam glanced from the girl to the boys. "I've learned not to interfere, it just makes them yell more."
"I think maybe these bad people are the same ones that took Will. I think she knows what happened to him." Mike quieted down.
"Then why doesn't she tell us?" Lucas motioned to the girl. He then glanced at her and walked over. Sam held her arm out just in case the boy got to close. It was obvious this girl was scared of people already. There was no need to freak her out more.
"Do you know where he is?" The Sinclair boy asked harshly. "Do you know where Will is?" He grabbed her shoulders. Sam gently but assertively grabbed the Sinclair boys wrists and removed them from the girl. He cut his eyes at her but calmed down anyway.
"Stop that, you're scaring her!" Mike jumped in unhelpfully.
"She should be scared! If you know where he is, tell us." Lucas glanced back to the girl. Her lip quivered with approaching tears but she didn't answer him.
"This is nuts! We have to take her to your mom." Lucas walked back in front of Mike.
"No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger." The raven haired boy shot down quickly. The Henderson siblings shared a confused glance with the other, both their eyebrows furrowed.
"What kind of danger?" Dustin finally spoke up again as he looked away from his sister.
"Her name is Eleven?" Lucas asked with an aggravated huff.
"El, for short." The Wheeler boy informed proudly, like they hadn't been yelling just moments ago.
"Mike, what kind of danger?" Sam sat forward.
"Danger danger." Mike's face fell and he jumped back into his serious mode. Making a gun with his hand, he put it to Dustin's head, moving it swiftly to Lucas who smacked it away.
"No, no, no!" The Sinclair boy huffed out, fed up with the argument. "We're going back to Plan A. We're telling your mom." Lucas shoved past the boys and opened the door, but it slammed shut with such force is rattled the figurines on Mike's desk. Lucas tried again but the same thing happened, and this time the lock clicked as well.
Looking back, the party saw Eleven standing up, blood trickling down her nose.

chapter five
weirdos aplenty

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