Chapter 2, A New Path

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After returning home, he began to practice his carpentry skills along with his brother Veit who had set up his own shop inside their barn. Veit concentrated on making home furniture and had gained some reputation in and around Westen, and he knew it would be impolite if he followed the same path as his brother as they would practically become business rivals.

So instead, he decided to make toys and portable chairs and table again, it was not as lucrative as making furniture, but still he was making money out it. His toy soldiers were an instant hit back when he was still working as an apprentice, and so does his miniature mounted knights and miniature wagons, and his portable chairs and tables was one of the well sought out items. The toys were the easiest to make and required a lot less resources as all he needs to do was buy some scrap wood for it. Normally it would take him a day to carve two simple mounted knights with minute details on it, and at least a day to make five wooden soldiers with movable arms and head. While for a portable folding chair or table, it would take him a couple of days to finish a single chair, and at least four days for the table. The chair sells for 2 silver marks, while the tables sells for 3 silver marks, and they were cheaper to built since he uses softwood for it.

For over a month, he worked on making toys and portable chairs and tables, then after that, he borrowed his brother Rubert horses and cart and loaded everything that he made and started out for Westen. Like every village and towns across the kingdom, the gate guardsman charges him a toll fee before he was let in. Normally, any traveler who came in by foot were charge a copper a piece, but for a trader like him, they charged him eight coppers, and he was given a token that serves as a pass as well as a permit to sell his ware in and around village square, and he had to surrender it at any of the gates before leaving the village, and if he lost it somehow, he would be fined with another four coppers for it.

As soon as he was in, he heads straight towards the village square and after reaching the place, he began setting up his shop. The first few hours were a bit slow, as only a few customers stopped by, most simply stop by to look at his wares, but he did manage to sell some of his toys. Later, more customer stopped by and inquired about his works, some were interested with his portable chairs and tables, other with his toys. As he expected, he was able to sell off half of his wares.

For the next four months, that has been the trend on his sales, which is understandable as he was still building his reputation as an artisan. But he cannot help himself feeling disappointed about it, especially since he was making less money than he had hoped for.

To vent his frustration, he began hunting at the nearby woods around the farm using his bow, normally he would go out looking for coyotes and foxes, as they were plentiful around those woods, and he knew from what he had heard around the village square at Westen, their felt and furs do fetch a decent price. Personally, he knew the coyote and fox meat were edible as he had read about it during his past life, but one must carefully clean it and take out the fats as those were ones that makes the meat smell and taste awful, and you must thoroughly cook it. Although most people do frown upon it as they see those animals as nothing more than a pest and they were only good for their fur and hides, except for the Hanunah which consider them as food.

The first time Lerris brought home coyote meat, his siblings and cousins wondered what it was, as he purposely did not tell them that it was coyote meat. He personally prepared the meat, marinating it with salt, herbs, and spices, before slowly roasting it over the fire. When they ate, they could tell it was not lamb or venison, nor it was wild boar, but they liked it. Although they all frowned at him when they told them it was coyote meat. The second time around, he made a stew out of it, putting potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, salt, some herbs, and spices, and they all like it, although his older brothers grumble a bit, saying they still prefer venison, until they were silence by his aunt with her glare.

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