Chapter 11, The Raid

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The sun was over the horizon when Lerris and his companion arrived back at the western gate, and every guardsman went out when they saw Paren riding behind them. And everyone was so surprise by the sight of the former guardsman that they completely ignored the four heads that was dangling beside the pack horse behind Lerris, and the file leader that was leading the guardsmen told them to wait as she sent someone to fetch someone who was higher than her to deal with the whole situation.

After a while, Bannerman Giel and Adjutant Carel came rushing out of the gate, and were both surprised to see Paren before them, sitting on top of a horse.

"I also have four heads of the men on your wanted list," Lerris announced as he trusts the wanted poster to the file leader standing close to him.

The file leader took the posters and handed to one of the guardsmen, who then took it and went to the pack horse where the severed heads is, and carefully inspecting each one of them.

"How?" Adjutant Carel asked as he step forward and stared at Paren.

"I fought him in a duel," Lerris told the adjutant, "If you don't mind sire, it is getting late, I want to be done with this as soon as possible."

"Of course," the adjutant nodded and gestured to his him. With that, one of the guards took the reins of Paren's horse and led them inside the gate, with two other guards providing escort.

"It's them file leader," the guardsman tasked on checking the heads reported back, handing the posters back to the file leader.

"Take it, and made sure you put it on a pike outside the walls." The file leader instructed the man before she turns around and walks towards the adjutant and gave the poster to the man.

The Bannerman gestured to one of the guardsmen, and that guardsman nodded and quickly went beside Lerris and handed him their tokens.

Lerris bowed at the guardsman before looking at the adjutant who by now was busy looking at the poster. "Adjutant Carel, if I may interrupt," Lerris spoke.

"What is it, Master Lerris?" The man asked politely after he raise his head and looked at Lerris.

"You don't mind if I had my man deal with you on the matters of the bounty, now do you?" Lerris asked politely.

"My apologies Master Lerris, this is quite a sum, and I had to ask the baron for it first, so at the most, you will have your rewards by mid-morning tomorrow." the man said apologetically. "But it would be at the barracks, not the guard house."

"Very well, I will be dropping by midday tomorrow." Lerris told the adjutant before he nudges his horse and rode through the gate.

From there, they went straight to the chapter house and like before, as soon as they arrive, they were greeted by the grooms, but this time, the grooms were surprised by the number of horses, that one of them told them politely that they could not possibly stable all of their horses, but they know a nearby stable that could accommodate that many horses.

Lerris went down from his horse as he told the groom that they do not need stable all of the horse, just his own pack horse, and had the man called the groom that he had talked to last time.

The young man bowed his head and quickly went inside the stable, moments later, the familiar face of the groom that he had dealings with before came out.

Lerris did not waste his time and told the man he wanted to sell off all the other horses that they have, along with their saddles, as well as the bundle of armor, weapons and equipment that was hanging on four of the horses.

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