Chapter 3, The Guild Chapter House

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One thing Lerris had learn while he was still working as an apprentice, is that first impression matters, whether you are a carpenter, a butcher, or a simple trader. Dealing with the guild is not that different, they will not take anyone seriously if they were not dress the part, so today, he decided to don his full regalia wearing the outfit that he had specifically designed for hunting, his baldric with his two pistols hanging at his left side and a Viking sword sheath on his back, while carrying his recurved bow on his left hand and his musket slung across his back. As expected, the moment he went down from his room and walked into the common room, everyone in the room stared at him, he even noticed several men gawking at him, some were staring at his musket as if wondering what it was, others were openly giving him an appraising look, and he even heard several men asking if he was an out-lander, probably because of his clothes. Lerris simply ignored them all and marches his way out of the common and into the street outside and went straight to the stable. After a few moments, he drove out of the stable on his cart and heads towards the village hall on the western side of the village where he was told the chapter house of the Hunter's guild was located.

As he arrives in front of the Village Hall, he parked his cart alongside the road, took his backpack and slung it behind his back, almost covering his sword, picks up his musket, before slinging on his left shoulder, snatching his bow, and jumping off his cart. And as soon as he was down, he began looking around, but he cannot seem to find it. He could see several chapter houses, they were large building with guild crest proudly displayed on the building walls, the less prominent ones were housed on simple buildings, and sometimes several guilds were house on one building.

He then asked around, and after a while he was led behind the village hall, and there he saw the chapter house, which looks like a simple tavern rather than a guild chapter house, with the Hunter's Guild crest hanging outside the door like any other tavern that he had seen around.

And when he went in, he was amused to see people drinking inside, with tavern maids going from one table after another, either serving them the patrons their drinks, taking their order or taking their payments.

"Lerris!" Lerris heard a familiar voice shouting at him, which is odd since he knew no one around and he cannot even see any familiar faces among the patrons, and when he glances at the far side of the common room, he was surprised to find his cousin Wenzel, dress in the usual livery of the village guard, a brigandine worn over a gambeson, with his kettle helm hanging on his side, covering the hilt of his sword, standing right beside a table where another guardsman, a female, was sitting behind it.

Lerris waved at his cousin and walk straight to him.

"What on heaven's name are you doing here?" Wenzel asked as he outstretch his hand and shook Lerris hand.

"Looking for the Hunter's Guild" Lerris said, "how about you?"

Wenzel sighs as he looks around the common room, "we were supposed to recruit some scouts for the army."

"I guess there were no takers yet," Lerris observed as he looks around casually.

"We have," Wenzel snorted said while still staring at the common room, "mostly young hunters." He added as he turns to Lerris, "so why are you here again, and what's with the weird clothes?"

"Weird clothes? Your sister doesn't think so, she helped me stitch this together." Lerris said defensively.

"Okay, unusual then" Wenzel said as he raised both his hands.

"Friends of yours, swordsman?" The female guard sitting behind the table suddenly asked.

Wenzel started as he had forgotten the woman beside her, and turned to her, looking at her apologetically, "forgive me, file leader, this is my cousin, Lerris" he said as he gestured to Lerris.

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