Chapter 4, The Hunt

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Lerris work up earlier than he intended, and after he got out of the bed, he quickly washed himself up on the wash basin and then started donning his hunting outfit, first his cargo pants, followed by his long sleeve shirt, then his boots, and lastly his hunting vest, which his cousin Lisbeth had made sure it was well padded that its practically turned into a sleeveless gambeson. Afterwards, he took out his leather bracers, greaves, knee, and elbow pads from his backpack and started wearing them.

As soon as he was done putting everything on, he took the baldric from the peg and slung it around him, and after that, he eased both the pistol on his waist and the sword on his back, checking if he could draw them all fluidly, once satisfied, he began loading his pistol one by one, and once that done, he picks up his musket and started loading it too. Afterwards, he slung his musket on his shoulder and walks out of his room, locking the door behind him, and heads down towards the common room.

As he walks down the stairs, he found the common room almost empty, but surprisingly, he saw Luiza on the corner, taking her meal. Lerris casually wave at her when the woman glanced at him, and heads towards the nearest table. As soon as he was seated, one of the serving maids quickly went up to him and asked him if he wanted something. Lerris then ordered a light meal of porridge and bread. After finishing his meal, he quickly went to the stable, saddled his horse, and told the groom that he would be leaving his cart for the day. The groom just bowed their heads and said nothing, and with that, Lerris mounted his horse and rode towards the northern gate.

As he rides out of the northern gate of the village, Lerris quickly turned his horse north towards the hills, and slowly rides through the prairie, keeping a careful watch of his surrounding, as he had heard that the wolves around here sometimes ventured close to the village.

After some time, Lerris began seeing signs of wolf activity, from fresh wolf tracks to wolf scat. That is when he decided to climb down his horse and draw his musket at a ready, before slowly leading his horse forward.

He has barely reached the edge of the woods in front of him when he heard some growling to his right, and when he turned to look, he saw a small pack of four wolves fifty paces away, standing in a line and all looking at him, their hair bristling and snarling viciously at him.

Lerris knew that wolves are opportunistic predators, he had learned that from numerous articles that he had read from his previous life and from the stories he had heard from several hunters that he had talked to. And with that in mind, he quickly raised his musket and aimed at the nearest wolf.

As he expected, the four wolves suddenly lurched towards him, running hard, and fast, jaws snapping.

Lerris trained his musket and fired, hitting the nearest wolf on its neck, and the force of the blow drops the animal like a log down on the grassy ground. The other three immediately fans out, as Lerris drops his musket and drew his pistols out, quickly aiming at the rushing wolves, and fired, before drawing his sword out and started bracing himself as he faces the lone charging wolf.

But to his surprise, the surviving wolf wheeled away, stopping at a distance, and looking back at him, and howled. The howl was like a mournful dirge, and when that was done, the wolf simply walks away and vanishing through the woods.

Lerris quickly picks up his pistol and started loading it, and after that he picks up his musket and began loading it too while he cautiously looks around for any signs of wolf. After he was done loading, he cautiously gathers the dead wolves and began skinning them. After he was done, he left the carcass on a pile and rolled the pelts and tied it at the back of his saddle before riding back to the village.

Back at the chapter house, everyone there was surprise when he walks in carrying freshly skinned wolf pelt. The barkeep then pointed him at the back of the chapter house, where he was told the guild's licensed fur trader was at. And when he went there, he was surprised to see Ketil was the fur trader.

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