Chapter 12, The Guardsmen of Nysa

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It took Lerris and his cousin over an hour to get their horses from the copse and back, and by the time they get back, he saw the Sharine, Claire and Helena, each standing beside a horse and trying their best not to look at the bloody mess at the blast zone. Helena looks she was about to sick up, while the other two simply stand facing their horses. While Cassandra, Inez and the young girl stood on the other side of the coach, completely blocking themselves from seeing it.

As they approach the barn, he could see that the coach parked outside, and it actually looks like a box type covered carriage, the same type that he had seen the merchant caravans used to accommodate people who travels with them, and normally pulled by two horses.

Just he was about to get down from his horse, he saw Maya coming out of the manor house carrying a leather backpack, and a crossbow of all things along with a quiver full of bolts, which is unusual since properties are generally not allowed to carry weapons, and only those who serve the armies were allowed to carry it, or so he was told.

Lerris gave Maya a questioning look as she approaches them, she looks she was about to sick up but trying her best not to.

"Sire, you told me to get everything we might need for the journey." the woman said defensively.

Lerris gave an audible sight and gestured her on.

"Milos, can you drive this thing?" Lerris asked the man as he pointed at the carriage.

"Yes sire, I've been driving wagons and coaches before." the man replied.

"Good, because you are driving that thing, and we act as your outriders." Lerris said with a nod as Lydia rode close to the man and gave him the reins of his horse.

"Yes sire," Milos said to Lerris as he took his horse's reins from Lydia before he led the animal at the back of the carriage and tied the reins there.

"Mount up!" Lerris commanded in a loud voice, and with that, the three women mounted their horses while Cassandra and the rest climbs inside the carriage, while Milos ran towards the driver seat of the carriage and taking its reins.,

"Move out," Lerris said in a loud voice.

Lerris took the lead, with the carriage following closely behind him, while Lydia and the three women followed behind the coaches. As soon as they rode out of the gate, Lerris turned east, just like Paren had told him, and followed the road for a league. From what Paren had told him, the road leads to four hamlets to the east and a mining settlement across the river where Azad normally recruits his mercenaries, but a league down the road, there was a road that intersect this road, the very same road that he uses yesterday to reach the edge of the southernmost farm. The man said, he only had to follow it north, then turn west and followed the road and it will lead him straight back to the Western Gate in Nysa.

As they rode on, Lerris was amazed by the number of game animals, like dears and elks, that he had seen around, and thought that people probably rarely hunt around this place. It's quite natural really as folks in this world were afraid to get close to the edge of the forest, and rightly so, as the some of the creatures living inside the forest were quite deadly, like the dire wolves, and the graylings to name a few. Worst, from what he remembers of the maps he had seen, there is a swamp nearby, and hunters told him that there are Demon beast that lives along the edge of the swamps, but thankfully they are nocturnal predators, so the possibility of encountering one was very low.

After some time, he spotted the intersection and as they rode close, he turns to it and started to follow it northwards. And even here, he could see a number of game animals, and for the first he saw a small boar running on a prairie not too far from the road. To him, it was an awesome sight, but he kept his guard up, since if there is a small boar around, chances are, there could be bigger ones roaming around as well.

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