Chapter 14, The Plan

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Lerris woke up and found himself all alone in his room. Like the other day, back in Varbo, there is fresh water on the wash basin, so he quickly went for it, first scooping up and cusp full of water and used it to gargle before spitting it outside the window, before he quickly washed his face and hurriedly put on his clothes, shoes and all. As soon as he was done, he picks up his saddlebag and musket and literally ran down to the common room, where he found everyone already taking their morning meal.

"Good morning sleepy head," Lydia greeted him as he joined them at the table.

"Good morning," Lerris greeted back as he sat beside her, "where are Sharine and her friends?" He asked.

"They left early," Lydia replied, "and don't worry, I made sure they were escorted by twelve soldiers as promised, or rather our good friend at the bar did."

Lerris felt a sigh of relief.

"By the way Lerris, we need to talk," Lydia said casually, glancing at her cousin who was just starting with his meal.

"About what?" He asked before biting down on the bread that he was holding.

"About the thing you promise to our good friend here," Lydia told him before taking a spoonful of her porridge.

"Oh, that," Lerris said blandly before he vigorously cut a portion from his sausage and ate it. "We could talk about that later," he whispered as he discreetly looks around the common which was oddly half full that morning.

"Oh, them?" Lydia said softly, "a couple of merchant caravans came in early this morning, said they came from the south and they were only stopping to restock on their food and water supply, and would be heading out to Dharmen as soon as they done." she explains.

"Milos, as soon as you are done eating, I need you to get the carriage and tie the rest of the horses at the back, as I need to talk to these ladies while we are on the road." Lerris told Milos.

The man simply nodded at him and hurriedly finished his meal.

"So, you already had plan in that head of yours," Lydia said conversely

"Some, since this is a big undertaking, provided our friend here could provide us the coins I need." Lerris said casually, and watches Milos when quietly stood up and picks his things and briskly went outside.

Ioanna was about to say something but Lydia raises a single finger at her while looking around them. "Our friend had already sent out several missives, at your expense of course," she said.

Lerris smiled to himself, as his cousin emphasized on the last word that she said, as if saying to him, that he should include that to his expenditures.

"That's good," Lerris said as he went on his meal, and from that point, no one spoke, and they all ate in silence.

After finishing their meal, everyone picks up their things and stood up and silently walks out of the chapter house. Lerris stared at the barkeeper, and when she glances at him, he gave the woman a cursory bow before walking out of the chapter house.

Outside, Milos had the carriage parked right in front of the door of the chapter house, and their horses was tied at the back, just as he had instructed him, with all women and the young girl now climbing inside the carriage.

He followed them in and took his seat at the other end of the carriage and opens the sliding window behind the driver seat, "let's move out" he ordered.

With that, the carriage gently lurches forwards and started heading towards the gate. "Just head on south, and when you see a fork on the road, turn left and follow the road until we reach a village, understood?"

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