Chapter 5, The New Apprentice

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"Why do we have to go here again?" Lydia asked as she and Lerris rode into the village. It has been over a year since Lerris visited the village, and like before, he cannot help himself be fascinated by the architecture of the place, but unlike the year before, there is few people around walking along the avenue, and there are fewer merchants around.

"You said you wanted to hunt wolves, or have you forgotten about it?" Lerris asked as he glances at his cousin, who is now similarly garb as him.

She has been his apprentice for over six months. At first Lerris tried to teach her about carpentry and woodworking, as he and his brother Veit did, but despite their best effort, she cannot seem to get a grasp of everything they have been teaching her. Veit even told her she was hopeless case, that eventually after two months of trying to her teach about carpentry and woodcraft, he gave up on her. Nevertheless, despite being clumsy with woodworking, she did have a good grasp when it comes to making anything mechanical. But surprisingly, she was quite good in hunting as she got a keen eye that she could spot their prey well before he did, and she could move quietly while stalking her prey. She was quite good with her compound bow that she could easily down a coyote even at 80 yards, and with a musket, she was quite deadly even with just the smoothbore musket as she could shoot dead an elk at 150 yards, a feat he had trouble duplicating with the smoothbore. Aside from that, she had been able to learn how to make saltpeter crystals easily, that by the third month she could do it without supervision. By the fourth month, she had been able to learn how to make a corned gunpowder safely, as well as making paper cartridges for her own musket.

"But why do we have to stop here?" Lydia asked, "we still have plenty of daylight ahead of us," she argues.

Lerris shook his head, "because I don't like the idea of spending the night out in the wilderness with wolves prowling about." He simply said as he kept looking around him.

Lydia rolled her eyes as she kept following Lerris around while tugging the pack horse behind her. They have been travelling all day since they left Tihany that morning, but her cousin had set their pace on a slow walk, saying that he does not want to tire the horse, and no matter how she complains, he just will not budge.

The village, by her estimate is no different than Westen, even the avenues and streets that she had seen were no different, all paved in cobbled stones with oil lamp post decorating the sidewalks, shops were everywhere, and some of the shops had some tables set up in front of it, with people eating al fresco or having some refreshments in the streets, although she had no idea what people would be drinking this late in the afternoon.

After some time, Lerris stopped in front of what looks to be an inn, except the sign that was hanging outside bear the crest of the hunter's guild, the same crest that she had on her badge, which clearly denotes it as the guild's chapter house.

As soon as they were down from their horses, a couple of grooms from the adjacent stable ran up to them and waited until both she and Lerris had their back packs and musket at hand, before taking the reins from them. And like before, Lerris would talk briefly with the groom, giving them instruction regarding their horses and handing them both 2 coppers marks, before they both walk inside and into the inn's common room.

And as always, she would head to the nearest empty table while her cousin would walk straight to the bar and starts a conversation with the barkeep and wait for him. Normally, she knew her cousin would be getting them rooms by now and as well as their meal.

Lerris felt something was up the moment he saw the reaction of the barkeep face when the man saw him walk in, and the man kept on looking as Lerris walks towards him.

"Just the man I am looking for," the barkeep announced as Lerris stood in front of the bar.

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" Lerris asked casually.

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