Chapter 13, The Heir of Diakos

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Ioanna first came to the capital at the age of sixteen to study at the Royal Academy, to learn about politics, trade and court etiquette, since she was second in line for succession, it was her duty to learn as much as she can about it, just like her older brother did, who was heir to the Duchy of Diakos. She stayed at the academy for four years, far longer than she had to, as she wanted to study about warfare and tactics as well, much to the consternation of her father, as her father wanted her to get back to their Duchy's capital at Delos. Despite being denied repeatedly to go to the Royal Military Academy which is based at the Citadel at Junko Pass at the district of Dugran, she did manage to get some lectures about military tactics and strategies, all thanks to the royal courtiers gravitating around her. She even got the famed female commandant Raiza as her private instructor from where she learns the value of subtlety in warfare, and the importance of gaining new technology for warfare, as well as the basics of tactics and strategic planning.

And then a few months ago, she learned from messengers back home that her father was dead, and her brother might as well be as he was now missing. With the line of succession in peril, she was forced to make arduous journey back home. Commandant Raiza warned her not to be rash, and suggested to rally some support first before heading back to her home. Which she did, as some of the younger barons offered her some support. They already had a small army of volunteers ready for her, but then came the crisis on the borders. Her small army of six hundred men and women were diverted to the east while nobles from various principalities began raising up their own armies to support the Eastern and Southern Armies.

This forces her to revert back to her original plans, but by now, word had come that her uncle had assume the mantle of the duchy, and that is when she suspects her uncle had a hand in her father's death as well as the disappearance of his brother. Being the second in line for succession, she need to wrestle that mantle back, but to do that, she needs to get back to her own principality and rally the other counts and countess to her cause.

So far, she manages to acquire the service of ten men, they were the retainers of her friend the Baroness of Ashur, and they were supposed to accompany her and her trusted companion Anise, which acts as her personal aide. A few days later, she was able to secure a passage from of the caravans that travels to her principalities. On the day of their departure, she decided to dress up as a farmer and dyed her hair to disguise her, as her deep black hair could be an easy give away considering much of the aristocracy of Diakos had black hair. but somehow, his uncle got wind of her of her plans and hired some bandits to find her.

Her uncle's men waylaid their caravan at the king's road halfway through the waystation near the border of Jagger. The ten retainers that was protecting her along with the caravan guards tried their best to protect them, but the enemy were just too many for them, and easily disposed of them. Fortunately, none of the men that her uncle had hired knew who they are, and they literally went after the young women dressed in finery, especially the ones with black hairs, raping them and savagely killing them afterwards, they even decapitated two of the young ladies who had black hair and put their severed heads on a sack, then went on to rob the rest. She was afraid that they were going to abuse them like they did to the four young ladies who were dressed opulently, but they did not, instead they all captured everyone, stripped of everything they have, including their clothes and they were literally given rags to wear. It is only fortunate for her that no one bothered checking her mouth or they would have seen her signet ring. A few days later, those ruffians brought them to a farm and sold them.

That is how they end up with that brute Azad, fortunately for them, when they were brought to that farm, that Azad had his eyes fixed on a young girl that was brought to him earlier than they did, or she or her companion would end up being abused.

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