Chapter 24, The Gamble

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For over ten days since Lerris launched an attack north of Farmer's bridge, the enemy had not even moved. The occasional air raids that Lerris had sent against the enemy position doesn't even made them budge, but the enemy did progress a bit in their anti-air operations, as airship captains reports that the enemy are using longer range rockets that they had to maintain a minimum altitude of 600 meters to be able to fly safely around, plus the fact that some of the rockets that are being used against them seems to be carrying an exploding warhead that scatters a shrapnel over an area of 20 meters.

On he 16th of October, Lerris held a command meeting of all of his command officers, including the new commander of newly raised Fourth Hellenic Army, which has grown considerably from 25,000 troops during the end of September, to over 32,000 troops, thanks to their draconian recruiting drive.

Sitting at the head of the conference table, Lerris listens intently to the latest intelligence report of Commandant Velma, his current intelligence and communication chief.

"As of the moment, the enemy has not made any move, and from what our scouts had reported, both from the air and the ground, they are still expecting a major offensive." Commandant Velma spoke.

"What about the enemy troops moving around the northern mountains?" Marshal Elysia, commander of the 1st Cavalry Division asked. To Lerris, it was understandable for her to be concern about it, after all, the entire defense of Delphi falls under her, but nevertheless, she had the 6th Independent Brigade and the 2nd Airborne Battalion, as well as her entire division at her disposal.

"As far as the latest aerial reconnaissance we have, they seem to have withdrawn from the area, leaving just a regiment, to guard the mountain pass that they had discovered." Commandant Velma replied.

"Have they received any significant amount of reinforcement?" Marshal Damien, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division asked.

Lerris knew the Marshal before hand, he was the former commandant of the 2nd Infantry Regiment that was sent to the Romani Enclave during the Anahuacan crisis where he had distinguished himself during those period. His regiment, along with three others were subsequently reorganized into the 3rd Infantry Division after their return after their tour at the Tiberian Wall had ended. From what he knew, the man returned to the Royal Military Academy at Sophia for general staff course and was subsequently promoted to divisional commander after his return. In 2038, his division was reorganized to new standards as the division were among the five infantry divisions that was earmarked for deployment to the Midlands and Hellenic Confederacy.

"Not that we know off," Commandant Velma shook her head, "our last raid on the docks at Colossus and the bridges along the Congaree and Wateree Rivers had severely degraded their ability to supply and reinforce their armies. Shipping activities further north had also decreased for fear of our aerial attacks."

"What's the news of our allies in the Midlands?" Lerris suddenly asked.

"From the latest intelligence report, the Midlands are nearing completion of the their training and should be able to march within the next six weeks. According to the latest military plan issued by the Rozarian high command based in Toulan, the 7th and 8th Infantry Division would spearhead the advance in two weeks time accompanied by the Romani legions, and clear the way for the midland army to march through the Wild Lands." Commandant Velma responded. "Several brigades of the 9th Infantry Division would be flown directly near the western border of the Hellenic Confederacy to guard any attack from the militant tribes, while the rest would be flown straight at the Aerodrome."

From what Lerris knew, the city of Toulan lies on the eastern side of the Missippi river, it was a fortified city at the edge of the Midland territory. The Wild Lands on the other hand stretches between the city states built near the eastern banks of the Mississippi River and the city states on the western banks of Chattahoochee River and mostly controlled by militant tribes. Several attempts by the Hellenic Confederacy and Midland Alliance to pacify the militants tribes led to a series of wars that severely affected the economies of both countries.

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