𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙣 𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙝

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Fire is necessary. Even though it might seem random, or instantaneous, or impossible to control Even if it's our last day on Earth and everything all around us is burning to the ground. Fire has purpose. Fire knows what it's doing And once it's started to spread there's not actually much you can do to stop it.

Y/n sat at the kitchen island, it wasn't exactly the start of shift but she had gotten there early seeing as Travis and grant were being too much of morning people and plus Ryan was meeting her dad and she had made up an excuse as to why she couldn't go she was still upset with him. Ben had jogged in heading to the fridge immediately he waved at y/n "good morning"

"Morning" she replied with a smile, that was when weird groaning noises can from a different route

"Ohh. Aaaah!" It was jack, y/n looked into it and saw him. She followed Ben into the room "I think I might be dying."

"Do we need a med kit, or is this a hangover situation?" Ben asked looking at him on the floor

"I woke up early again, so I went running, thinking I could burn off some energy, except I still have all the energy, but now my legs are dead." He complained "I know why I'm here so early, but why are you?"

"Oh um- Travis and grant" was all y/n had said she looked at Ben

"Um... So, uh, what, uh... what sort of stretches did you do before your run?" Ben ignored the question

"Right. Stretching." He pointed, he reached for his toes

"Oh, wow. Okay, that... That's not a stretch." Y/n shook her head with a chuckle

"Th... Oh." Ben got into the ground

"No?" Jack asked, Ben lifted his leg to his chest making him groan in pain

"Ready?" Ben asked

"Oh, yeah, one..." He counted definitely not enjoying this


"Getting that alone time in?" Miller asked Ben as he and y/n walked into the kitchen when shift had actually started

"Uh... yeah." He nodded

"Yep, I miss my alone time... don't get me wrong, Jack is..." He took a deep breath "Jack, but I need my... solitude. Be alone with my thoughts. I don't even really like hugs. Personal space, ya know?"

"Yeah." ben nodded

"Hey, can we move the coffee table at home?" Jack walked into the room "Warren taught me some stretches I wanna try out on the floor there"

"What are we talking about?" Travis asked waking in

"Personal space..." Y/n spoke "and a lack of it."

"Ah, Grant and I have been spending a lot of time together, and let me just tell you, in my opinion, personal space highly overrated." Travis shrugged

"Trust me I know" y/n flashed a fake smile before sitting at the table her breakfast in hand, Vic then walked in

"Okay. Rewind." Miller told her

"What?" She looked at him

"Back it up and come back in again 'cause I'm pretty sure I just spotted some swagger." Miller announced pointing at her "Is that what I'm seeing?"


"Do you have the swagger this morning?" Y/n joined in

"No. Nope. Nope. Nope. No swagger Nope." She shook her head drinking her coffee

"Oh. You're probably picking it up from me." Travis walked to him "I'm super swagger-y."

"No, I don't think so." Miller told him

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