✦ chapter seven

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i love that it's not hard to be in a place where laughing's easy like what the fuck is real? what the fuck is wrong? i think i can fit with your tone ❜ — goodie bag, still woozy

 ❛i love that it's not hard to be in a place where laughing's easy like what the fuck is real? what the fuck is wrong? i think i can fit with your tone ❜ — goodie bag, still woozy

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THANKS FOR THE look you had given ibara a few seconds ago, most of the crew at the table were speculating their little minds off. Even during the meeting, as of now, you're trying her best to keep focus. You found yourself having to re read a couple more lines in the documents and files to keep up. That isn't going to cut it, certainly not. You needs more practice if you want to make the most of this. Lucid dream or not, you'd take any work seriously, and you'd absolutely hate to be left behind in a field this momentous.

"We are in need of more themes fitting this season of fresh bud blooms and animals awakening." Ibara referred to early spring. It's what the board was displaying. Spring fashion, date spots, and all the bright like. Winter had just come to an end and premature signals of spring made its way in  Japan.  

"What about a theme of..bubble galore?" You raised a hand as you spoke, a flush of self-consciousness indirectly washing over you once everybody took a look at you. Anzu passed you an encouraging smile when you glanced her way curiously, but your nerves must have stuck out to her. "Bubble galore. That's adorable." Hirata gasped in delight, hands clasped together at his chest.

"I'll write that down with the other ideas we have." Anzu announced as her pen moved along the file that has the rest of sophisticated notes she organized. You watched her do so— a little too hesitant to look back at Ibara for an answer. The other producers were on board with the idea, seeing that they discussed it with each other in an intriguing agreements. You were almost petrified at the notion that your ideas would be thrown out the window.

"Hm. Normally, that would seem...a bit childish for me." Ibara muttered. You wonders if he had said that at a specific volume on purpose. "I'd like to speak to you privately about that concept, L/n." He gave you a polite smile, but you knew better to believe he's demonstrating a trustworthy impression. You nod at him, and earned a minor nudge from a teasingly smiling Kikumoto. Whatever that meant, you didn't bother to find out.

The meeting ended shortly. You had said your goodbyes to the other producers in a half daze. It wasn't how genuine they were, nor their very much humane scents or extraordinary appearances. It was how you hadn't stuttered one, and you believe you should feel proud of yourself for that. Although, your courageous spirit was slowly twisting into an undeniably insecure little rope from all this attention. Anzu tapped your shoulder, and that awoken you back to your situation. You were only midway of packing your documents.

"You did great for your first time. Saegusa-san seemed to like your bubble galore idea." Anzu commented. You finished packing your things, suspiring a cheery sigh.

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