Had me at Summer

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Westley's POV

"Colton!" I yelled much too late as I watched my hefty little brother canon ball onto an unsuspecting stranger. I ran or more realistically waddled to the area my brother was standing not too long ago.

"Canon ball!" He bobbed up spraying water out of his mouth like a water fountain. No more than two measly seconds a water monster came to the surface and a floatie. Her wet blonde hair stuck to her face in a ratty mess as her fingers tried to brush it out of her way. I fought the urge to laugh. Yes, not exactly appropriate, but it was definitely cackle worthy.

she whirled around to my brother." What is wrong with you!" she huffed keeping an eye on him as he lifted himself out without a word back. I was going to have to be a savior and apologize for him." That was definitely on me, I was supposed to be watching him. My fault, could I buy you an ice cream or something?" I should be better at saying sorry for my brother by now. Her green eyes shot up to mine narrowed and annoyed. I didn't think so much distaste could cloud someone's eyes." Yes, yes you can, and a better apology." I bit my lip and nodded helping her out of the pool.

"Did you see me, West?" Colton chimed while we walked behind her. I swear I saw steam come out of her pores" Yes, and I wish I hadn't." I whispered but smirked and ruffled his soaking hair. It wasn't his best judgement but he was eight so nothing her did came with a forethought.

we settled down on a bench after getting what she wanted. She definitely knew how to spend money on ice cream, or she just wanted me to pay literally and figuratively.

"You don't look half bad when you don't look like a swamp monster." I blurted mentally knocking myself for speaking. The spoon that was once going to her mouth dropped into the puddle that was once ice cream. Her hands folded under her chin her eyes going into slits. If looks could kill, it would be this one." What do you mean my that." She scolded, I could feel my brothers body shaking with laughter as he tried to hold it in." I meant- well you know how, when you-" Mentally I was hitting myself, outwardly I was as calm and collected as a dog with a shock collar." I actually don't know." This girl was mean

"It was a compliment actually, cause earlier you came out looking like Shrek I mean Fiona. She's definitely the prettier one out of the two, although Shrek could get it," I zoned on, I could tell she was holding back a smile. Colton was cackling though," But now you look approachable, I would gladly come visit your swamp." Her eyebrow raised with a quizzical look, but there was a smile fighting it's way through." I'll take it." she shrugged.

"I'm sorry, it was worth it." Colton spoke. They talked for a minute or two about it. I was taking her in. When her hair dried it was a sort of strawberry blonde more on the blonder side though. she had big green eyes and freckles dotted randomly on her face and on her arms. She looked a lot better when a scowl wasn't on her face.

I came back to the land of the living from Colton and her laughing. Seems like they were on good terms now, if he could he would go home with her I bet. She was prettier than me and probably smelt better. The temper would need to subside though. Colton was great, but man could he hold a grudge.

"Yeah, Westley's my big brother. He takes me here all the time. Are you gonna be here?" He's more of a ladies man than me, already inviting girls to the pool."Hm I don't know maybe if big bro doesn't tag along." A smile played on her lips while he thought this over, he nodded in agreement." Traitor."

"Your brother has a way with words, Westley." Colton held his head high and smiled with gaps in his teeth. " I don't think it's fair that I don't now your name, but you know mine." The heat was slowly getting to me, I longed for the pool." It's Summer, but she hates summer cause shes weird, and pretty." I never thought someone could hate summer. how sad was she?" You don't like what?"

"Summer, I don't like summer." She said with a roll of her eyes as if it was a stupid question." But your names Summer. How do you not like your namesake? That's like me not liking my brother, yeah he can be annoying but he's still my brother." A fist collided with my arm and a mumble that I couldn't decipher. I sat there rubbing my arm that didn't sting but I felt like I should for his self confidence." Summer brings nothing but bad luck for me."

I thought this over for a moment and I wanted to pry, I could do that later though." Well if I could have your-." I was cut off by an older couple coming over with giddy expressions giving them a youthful appearance." Summer!" They both chimed coming up and putting one hand on each of her shoulders. Her face grew redder by the second from the typical parent embarrassment." Who's this boyfriend of yours?" Her mom I presumed asked and I was about to answer till the one and only spoke up." Colton, I'm Summers boyfriend." Little twerp. Summer smiled and nodded laughing a tad." Isn't he sweet, all it took was almost drowning me. This is his brother Westley." I waved and politely smiled at them.

"How great Summer, you found some company, we have to get home though so finish up and meet us at the car. Don't forget Grease is calling our name when we get home." Summer nodded and smiled waving her parents along." Well Colton it's time to depart. Westley thank you for the ice cream. See you guys around this summer maybe." She waved her farewell and Colton went through the five stages of heartbreak.

" Sit tight kid, big brother has an idea. Don't move and no more canon balls on pretty strangers." I said leaving in a hurry for a writing utensil. I didn't have much time before my mission disappeared into the world of grease. Great movie by the way. I asked everyone until I was bestowed a sharpie.

I just about missed her until I saw her walking towards the exit. I felt like I was on wipeout dodging kids and sliding on water which should've ended with me tripping. Fate was on my side today. "Summer! stop walking I got something for you." She stopped and turned around leaning against the concrete wall." Yes? Grease is calling my name Westley." I nodded holding up the sharpie and asked for her arm. She put it out and pursed her lips when I wrote on it. " To you from me, Pinky Lee."

"Someone's up to date on Grease." She commented before waving goodbye. I walked back to the bench with a smile on my face before it dropped at the sight of an empty seat. That's when my eyes shot to Colton." Canon ball!" This time it wasn't a pretty girl. It was a man the size of Jupiter. "NO!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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