she wakes you with kisses (requested)

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Haewon's eyes slowly fluttered open to the feeling of the warm golden rays of the sun shining on her skin as well as the feeling of your breath tickling her shoulder with every exhale that fell from your lips.

She rubbed her eyes before looking at you and her heart nearly burst over the precious sight of you sleeping securely in her embrace with your head on her chest.

She laid her hand on your back and began to brush her fingers across your soft skin as she looked at the clock on the wall.

It was nearing ten am, to her surprise.

Even though it's her day off, she thought she'd wake up much earlier than this, since she's on a bit of an early schedule now.

But her lack of sleep has caught up to her and it felt good to sleep in, and even better knowing that you stayed in her arms throughout the night.

She closed her eyes for a second, only as she yawned. Afterward, her big brown eyes opened once more and instantly fell onto you again.

She smiled to herself as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, wondering to herself about how on earth she ever got so lucky to be able to call you hers.

You've been together for a while but that feeling never changes.

She still thanks her lucky stars for you each and every day.

"Baby? Are you awake?" She softly spoke and waited to see if you'd answer but you continued to breathe softly against her skin as you slept peacefully.

She knew she shouldn't wake you, especially since you must be exhausted after being so busy lately, too.

But it was a beautiful day and she wanted to spend it with you.

It would make her super happy to be able to take you out to breakfast.

Or... lunch, rather, from the way it was looking as far as time goes.

She brushed her fingers along your spine and kissed your forehead lovingly before she tried to wake you.

"Y/N? My love, are you still sleeping?"

You let out a soft sound, stirring a little.

For a moment, Haewon thought you were going to wake up, so she smiled brightly.

But you just rolled out of her arms and onto the bed beside her. You laid on your back, your eyes still tightly shut as you slept soundly.

She scooted close to you and kissed your forehead before brushing her lips against your cheeks.

"Baby girl, it's time to wake up." She whispered in your ear, kissing below it. "It's morning time. It's going to be a beautiful day."

You stirred again but this time, you were starting to awake.

"Good morning, sweet girl!" She excitedly said before she continued to kiss you, her lips softly brushing across your chin.

"What time is it?"

"A couple of minutes before ten."

"It's too early." You grumbled and went to roll over to bury your face in the pillow.

But Haewon didn't let you and hovered over you instead, her bright brown eyes locking with yours when they opened.

"It's bright."

"Because the sun is shining!" She grinned. "It's time to get up."

You whined and got ready to protest against that when she suddenly began to kiss your face, making sure to brush her lips against yours and the corners of them as well.

You closed your eyes but not to go back to sleep. Simply to bask in the happiness she was bringing you with every kiss.

Her lips trailed to your jaw and your neck. Her kisses were short but sweet and you cherished each and every single one of them.

"So, are you awake?" She asked and pulled away from your neck, causing you to whine.

"Yes but I like those sweet kisses you're giving me. So if I promise to get out of bed soon, will you please keep kissing me?"

She giggled happily before leaning back in and continuing to kiss across your neck again.

You sighed softly and put your arms around her, feeling more content than you've felt in so long.

You always enjoy waking up with her by your side.

But, unfortunately, the mornings you have woken up with her there by your side haven't been as great.

Either it's super early or you only get a couple of minutes together before she has to rush out the door.

But mornings like these are what you live for.

They keep you hanging on because you know they'll always come around, sooner or later.

And everything you go through to be able to cherish them always feels so worth it.

"I love when you wake me up like this." You sighed and she kissed your jaw and then the corners  of your lips again. "It makes me so happy."

You paused and opened your eyes, finding hers locked with yours once again.

The adoring gaze in them melted your heart. She always makes you feel so beautiful and so loved and you hope she feels the same with the look of love in your gaze as well.

"You make me so happy."

Your words were so quiet and spoken so softly and Haewon melted over them.

She pecked your lips lovingly and then put her forehead on yours.

"You make me so happy, sweet girl."

You pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, feeling so thankful to have her.

"I love you and can't wait to spend every minute of today by your side." You said.

"Me too, my love. I'm so excited about it. It's going to be the most wonderful day." She enthusiastically said, her heart feeling happier than it's felt in so long.

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