she kisses your neck for the first time (requested)

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The kisses being peppered across your face awoke you from your peaceful slumber.

Instantly, you felt a smile tugging at your lips when Haewon let out a happy chuckle and gazed at you with stars in her eyes when you opened yours.

"Look who's awake." She joked as she kissed the corners of your lips.

"Did I fall asleep?" You mumbled as you looked around.

You were lying on her bed with her hovering over you, brushing her hand across your cheek ever so gently.

"Yeah, about halfway through the film."

"I'm so sorry." You mumbled as you stared into her eyes, watching as she just shook her head.

She understands being so tired that it's hard to keep your eyes open. She's felt that over the last few weeks, due to being so incredibly busy with the group.

She knows how much comfort you find when you're with her, especially when she's holding you so close, just as she finds when you do the same to her.

"Don't apologize. I don't mind. I still got to hold onto you. That's all I care about." She smiled before kissing your lips softly.

You've been together for almost two months and they are easily the best months of your life for both of you.

It's been incredible and it's easy to see that you're both happier than ever.

But, unfortunately, you haven't been able to spend too much time together over the last couple of weeks.

So when you found out that she had the next two days off and, coincidentally so did you, you decided to stay the night with her so you could spend as much time as possible together.

And it's off to an incredible start.

It's been a day of kisses and cuddles so far.

And there was still a lot of time left in the day, as well as throughout the night and tomorrow.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. You know that?" She asked as she brushed her thumb across your cheek. "I'm just so crazy about you."

"I'm so crazy about you too," You smiled as you gently took her hands from your cheeks so you could intertwine your fingers together. "You're even more beautiful."

She just shook her head with a smile before kissing you.

But it wasn't your lips that she was kissing.

She was kissing across your jaw, making her way to your neck.

It was just a few seconds later when you felt the first brush of her lips against your skin for the first time.

At first, it made your breath hitch.

It was a new feeling that she was bringing you but an utterly delightful one.

You closed your eyes and put your head back against her pillows, giving her more of your soft skin to kiss.

A soft breath fell from your lips, one of bliss, and Haewon's chest filled with butterflies.

But, still, there was a lingering worry in the back of her brain and she pulled away from your neck, much to your dismay.

"Haewon," you whined as you looked at her.

"It's okay for me to kiss your neck, right?" She checked. "It's not too soon and you're not uncomfortable?"

"No. Oh, god, no. Haewon, you're making me feel amazing."

Her lips tugged into a smirk.


"Yes. Your lips are so perfect and they feel so good on my skin. Please kiss me more. I don't want you to stop. I love it."

She couldn't say no to that.

So, she leaned in and started to kiss your neck again.

But this time, she started to kiss a spot that she hadn't yet, and it was the one that made you turn into putty in her hands.

You threw your head back against her pillow once more, your head feeling as though it was in the clouds as she took a little extra time to kiss that spot.

"You do love this, don't you, darling?"

"Yes," you sighed as you laced your fingers through her hair.

She just smirked again, leaving a couple more kisses there before she started to kiss different spots on your neck, but you were still melting and you still felt amazing.

Because she was the one giving you those sweet kisses.

That's all that it took to drive you wild.

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