fighting in front of the girls (requested)

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Your heart was leaping in your chest when you heard the sound of Haewon's car pulling into the driveway.

You lit the last candle on the floor, which was also covered in flower petals.

You were trying to go all out tonight for your' and Haewon's anniversary.

It's been a year that you've been together now and she spoils you with love and happiness each and every day.

You wanted to spoil her too, so you cooked her dinner and tried to make it as romantic as possible.

Slow, sweet love songs were playing over the speakers and you thought, maybe, you'd slow dance along to them before or after dinner.

But all of those hopes and ideas faded from your brain when the front door opened and you saw that it wasn't just Haewon.

It was all of the girls.

"Whoa," Sullyoon said in awe as she closed the door behind her, being the last one in.

All of the girls were staring in awe at the sight of the romantic scene in front of them.

Everyone except Haewon.

"What's all this?" Haewon asked you.

"It was supposed to be a surprise. For just us."

"Well, it's not just us." She said.

"I can see that now. But when you texted me early this afternoon saying you'd only be a few more hours, you didn't say anything about bringing the girls along. So how was I to know?"

"I just wanted to hang out with my friends." She said as she brushed her fingers through her long hair.

You felt your heart sink.

Did she forget what today is or did she just not care and would just much rather spend time with her friends?

No. It couldn't be the last one. She loves you just as much, if not more than you love her.

That most certainly wasn't it.

"Do you not remember what today is, Haewon?"

She shrugged her shoulders wordlessly, folding her arms over her chest.

"Haewon, I went all out for us for tonight? Can they come back later? It's still early in the evening." Jinni spoke.

"But I want to hang out with them now. That's why they're here now."

"Haewon, look at everything y/n did for you. You should spend the night with her. We'll see you tomorrow." Lily said.

"No, don't go! Y/N will just clean this up and then we can hang out."

"No, I most certainly won't." You said. "Haewon, it's our anniversary!"

"No, it's not." She said.

"Yes, it is. Since I'm the only one that seems to remember it, I know it's today."

She didn't say anything for a second. She just clenched her jaw.

"I'm not upset that you forgot. I just want to spend some time with you."

"I'd rather hang out with the girls. Can't we just hang out tomorrow?" She asked.

You were shocked and in complete disbelief as she asked you that question.

"You're not serious. You don't even want to spend our anniversary together? What, do you not care about me anymore!?"

"That is not true! Don't say that."

"Well, that's what it seems like!" You screamed in frustration. "You know what? I don't want to do this anymore. Enjoy your time with the girls."

You grabbed your phone and your purse, as well as your keys, before shoving past Haewon and the girls.

"Where are you going?" She asked as you stormed out to your car, now more worried than anything else.

"Away from you, Haewon. Have fun with the girls. I need some space to think for the night."

You drove off and Haewon rushed back into the house, staring at the girls in disappointment.

She wasn't disappointed in them.

She was disappointed in herself.

"Good going, Haewon," Jiwoo said, shaking her head at her friend.

"I just didn't know what to do." She sighed.

"You spend time with your girlfriend on your anniversary, that's what you do!" Bae said.

"So, I should go find her, right? Make it up to her?"

"Yes, and apologize. You better make this better with her. We'll lock up for you. You just go after her." Lily said and Haewon nodded before grabbing her things and running out to her car, driving away to find you.

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