you make out (requested)

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"Haewon," You giggled as you felt her lips brushing against your shoulder. "I thought you wanted to watch a movie."

That was supposed to be how you spent these few hours that you had together on this wonderful evening; cuddles and comedy films.

But it seems as though Haewon has changed her mind and has other ideas about how you should spend your quality time together.

"If you'd rather watch the movie than do this, that's your choice, baby." She spoke.

You could tell she was smirking. You knew she was teasing you.

She already knows what you'd rather be doing but she just wanted to tease you a little over it.

At that time, her lips were brushing against the back of your neck, kissing every inch of it.

But after the words fell from her lips, she pulled away just to tease you and make you crave her more.

You turned around to face her and she put her hands on your hips, smirking against your lips as you put them on hers.

You didn't hold back.

Immediately, you let her feel just how much you were craving the taste of her lips and her touch by kissing her deeply.

She melted right into you, gently lying back against the cushions on the sofa so you could hover ver her and share passionate kisses.

Your hands, at first, rested on her shoulders.

But as the kiss became even more feverish, they started to wander, much like Haewon's hands had done.

Hers moved from your hips and to your back, then to your sides, then down to your thighs.

She wanted to brush her fingers across your skin, so she gave in to the urge to pull off your shorts and toss them onto the floor.

Turning you over, she gently pushed you onto your back and then continued to kiss you deeply.

"That's better," She said against your lips as her fingers brushed across your skin.

You tugged at the hem of her shorts too and after a few seconds, she pulled away from your lips and when her shorts hit the floor, she turned you onto your back and started to kiss across your neck.

"Haewon," You sighed softly and she bit at her lip, smirking over the way that her name fell from your lips before she started to leave love bites across your neck.

And the bliss she was bringing you only got more intense as she reached your sweet spot.

It was a little taste of heaven, making your stomach fill with butterflies and your skin tingle as her fingertips began to brush across your arms and your sides.

"Your skin is so soft, darling," She whispered against your neck. "You're so kissable. I wish we could stay this way forever."

"Me too," You said as you tilted your head back. "I'm so in love with you."

She repeated the words against your skin and started to trail her kisses down your neck to your collarbones and then to your chest.

You laced your fingers through your hair, feeling a rush of euphoria that you haven't felt in so long and wanted to bathe in for as long as possible.

Suddenly, she stopped kissing you, and you were just about to ask why when she put her lips back on yours.

You rolled over, hovering over her to take control of this steamy makeout.

"How did I ever get this lucky?" You asked as you pulled away from her lips, but not without tugging at them with your teeth, causing your name to fall from them with a blissful gasp. "I get to call you mine and love on you, while being loved by you just as much, every single day. You're so beautiful, Haewon. I can't ever get enough of you."

She opened her eyes to stare into yours before wrapping her arms around your neck to pull you closer.

"I feel the same, my love. You're perfect." She said as she kissed your lips.

You tried to deepen it again but she pulled away, shaking her head as she turned you over once more.

"No, baby girl. I want to make out but I want to slow it down a little." She said and started to kiss you sweetly and romantically.

And you just melted while your hands wandered across her body, hers doing the same against yours.

You were still lost in each other and enjoying every second of the time spent making out together.

But you were happy to share some romantic kisses for a few minutes, showing each other just how crazy in love you are with one another and how lucky you feel to have each other.

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