you fall asleep on her lap during practice - NMIXX eighth member (requested)

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"Haewon, can we please take a break for a few minutes? I need some water." Sullyoon asked and the music stopped as Haewon nodded her head.

You felt thankful that Sullyoon asked for a little break because you need it just as badly.

Your problem isn't that you're thirsty but rather that you're finding it difficult to keep your eyes open and whether this break lasts for five minutes or fifteen minutes, it's still a few minutes to close your eyes and catch your breath, and that's what you needed.

You sat down beside Haewon and Lily sat down next to you as you all reached for your waters and Bae took a moment to pick her phone up, just to take a few pictures to share with fans later tonight.

You took a few sips of water before putting the cap back on.

You put it back in the same spot as you had it before and with your initial on the cap, it was easy for the girls to see that it was yours.

After, you put your head on Haewon's lap and she looked away from Kyujin, who she'd been speaking to before.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" She asked as she placed her hand on your back.

"Yeah, sorry," You said as you started to lift your head from her lap.

"No, don't worry about it. It's okay." She said and when you opened your heavy eyes, she sent you a small smile.

She knows that you're all exhausted.

None of you have been getting much sleep since you debuted not long ago and you've got a comeback around the corner already.

Seeing how tired you looked, since you had a few minutes, she just quietly told you to close your eyes and rest them for a minute or two.

"Don't fall asleep but you can lay there and rest your eyes for a moment," Haewon said as she rubbed your back in comfort and then turned back to Kyujin.

You tried to do as she said because you know sleeping right here right now wouldn't be the best idea, as anyone from the company can walk through those practice room doors and catching you asleep might not turn out so well.

You told yourself not to fall asleep and even though you're exhausted, you figured you could fight the sleep that your body craved.

You tried to open your eyes as it got harder to resist the need to sleep but you realized quickly that it wasn't possible to do so.

You were just too tired.

"How much longer do we have until we keep practicing?" Jiwoo asked Haewon.

"A couple of minutes. Keep drinking water so we're all hydrated." Haewon said, looking out for all of you like the great leader that she is.

Haewon didn't even look at you, she just carried on her conversation with Kyujin for a few more minutes.

And by then, as hard as you tried to fight it, you had fallen fast asleep.

Right there on Haewon's lap.

"Okay, girls. Is everyone ready to get back to work?" She asked as she looked at everyone.

"We are but I don't think Y/N is," Bae said as she looked away from Haewon's gaze and down to you.

Haewon's gaze followed Bae's and she breathed out a sad sigh when she saw that you had fallen asleep.

"She must be so tired." Jinni said.

"We all are but I know she's been struggling to sleep lately," Lily spoke. "Jiwoo and I try to get to sleep at a reasonable hour each night but when we go to sleep, she's still wide awake."

"And sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and she's still up," Jiwoo said. "I'm not sure why she's not sleeping much but it's starting to catch up with her, I think."

Haewon stared down at you on her lap and she brushed her hand across your side, gently trying to wake you.

"Should we say that she's sick and just take her home? We could just have her fake it to the company so she can go home and rest." Sullyoon suggested.

"No," Haewon said. "I don't think we can do that right now. Someone hand me my hoodie."

Kyujin reached for Haewon's hoodie that was nearby and handed it to her, placing it in her free hand; the hand that wasn't brushing across your skin.

"I'm just going to let her sleep for a few."

"Won't she get woken up by the music or us moving around?"

"No. I think she's too exhausted for that. She's in a deep sleep. She needs a few minutes to rest." Haewon said as she gently lifted your head from her lap and placed it on her hoodie, which was rolled up as a little pillow.

"Should we wake her in about fifteen minutes?" Bae questioned.

"Yeah, that sounds good. In a few hours, we'll be going home so she can rest more then. For now, though, let's get back to work."

Haewon took a look at the time on the clock on the wall and she told herself to keep track of it, so she can wake you up soon.

She hates to see any of you so exhausted and as much as she wishes you could all get a day off to rest up, it doesn't seem likely right now when there's no slowing down on your schedule.

So this is the best she can do for now.

She knows you'll appreciate even the few minutes of rest you get, she just hopes that you wake up feeling a little better than before.

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