pretending to be your girlfriend (requested)

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You sent the waitress a friendly smile as she finished taking your order and grabbed the menu from the table.

You picked up your phone and started to scroll through Instagram as you took some time to enjoy your day off.

Coming to your favorite restaurant for a nice lunch sounds like a good way to start your day before you walk through the city to do a little shopping, get a little fresh air, and just enjoy some downtime.

However, you weren't feeling as comfortable as you did when you first sat down at this table.

Sitting at the one in front of you was an older man who, if you had to guess, was probably in his forties.

He kept staring at you, his gaze never breaking even once from the second you sat down.

Even when the waitress comes around to him, his eyes stay on you as he speaks.

You're feeling quite uncomfortable but you're trying to just keep to yourself.

It's been a while since you've been able to treat yourself and no one was going to get in the way of you enjoying your good lunch and your good day.

But when he stood up a moment later, your heart dropped.

He came over to your table just as you thought he was going to and when he slid into the booth across from you, you tried to ignore him.

"Hello." He spoke.

You looked up from your phone before looking back at it.

"Aren't you going to say hello back to me?" He asked.

"No." You replied.

"That's not very nice."

"I don't care. Please just go back to your table and leave me alone." You said, as nicely as you could, despite the discomfort you felt.

"I think sitting here is much better than sitting at that table by myself. It's not as lonely."

"I wasn't lonely." You said. "I'm trying to enjoy my day off so go away, please."

"But I want to get to know you." He said with a smile.

And you only grew more uncomfortable upon seeing it.

"Don't you want to know my name?"

"Not even in the slightest." You said.

"I bet you have a pretty name. You're very beautiful."

You rolled your eyes as your discomfort began to turn into annoyance.

"What did you order?"

"None of your business." You muttered.

"I can pay for your meal."

"I can pay for my own meal, thank you very much. I have my own money. I can handle myself. Go away."

"Not a chance, pretty lady."

You shook your head with a disgusted and annoyed expression.

Picking up your phone again, you prepared to call one of your friends to see if she would come down here and keep you company or to see if your disinterest in him would eventually make him take a hint.

But just as you prepared to call her, the guy reached over and took your phone right out of your hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" You yelled as you became angry.

"Or what?"

"Or else someone's going to kick your ass." A voice said as they approached your table.

You breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing the kind stranger.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend's phone?"

Your eyebrows furrowed as she locked eyes with you.

Sitting beside you, she whispered in your ear.

"It's okay, I'm trying to help. Just go with it."

Usually, you wouldn't.

But there was something about her that made you want to, so you did as she said.

"Your girlfriend?" He scoffed.

"Yes, my girlfriend. Who is, by the way, very uncomfortable. Since you can't seem to take a hint, I'll tell you right now that she doesn't want anything to do with you. You don't stand a chance not just with her but with anyone that you talk to like this. It's very unwanted and very uncomfortable. Now, I'm going to ask you one more time to give her her phone back!"

She raised her voice slightly, catching the attention of other people in the restaurant.


He jumped as her voice became even louder, now screaming at him.

"Don't make me tell you again or you're going to regret it."

He scoffed before sliding your phone across the table to you.

"Women." He grumbled as he stood up and walked away.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she turned to you.

"Yeah." You replied. "Thank you for that. God, he was so weird and he just wouldn't leave me alone."

"Well, you shouldn't have to worry now. I think he's a little scared, so you should be good." She said and sent you a smile before she went to stand up.

"Wait!" You said, causing her to stay beside you. "Have you ordered anything yet?"

"Not yet. I was about to sit down but then I saw this and I decided to wait to order so I could help you."

"Do you want to join me?"

"Are you sure?" She wondered as a smile pulled at her lips.

"Very. You helped me out a lot back there and I would love to repay you."

"It's not necessary, you don't have to." She spoke before watching you nod with a sad smile. "But if you're offering, I won't say no."

Your eyes sparkled and you watched hers do the same in response.

"I'm Y/N,"

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Haewon."

"Good to meet you." You grinned. "I'll have the waitress come back so you can get something. Get anything you want, I don't mind. It's on me."

"If you're sure." She smiled. "Do you want me to sit over there, across from you? I don't want to make you uncomfortable after what you just dealt with."

"Oh, trust me, you won't. I wouldn't have even told you my name if you did. I didn't tell him."

"Well, then, I'm honored."

You giggled and took a sip of your drink as you stared at her, watching as she looked over the menu.

She was incredibly beautiful and despite not knowing her for very long, she was already making butterflies fill your chest and bringing a bright smile to your face.

You like her already and you can only hope that, perhaps, all of this was part of fate's plan and, maybe, she feels the same about you as you get to know each other more.

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