she gets jealous of Jinni - NMIXX seventh member (requested)

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"Hey, baby," You smiled as you opened the door to Haewon and Kyujin's shared dorm room.

Kyujin was hanging out with Sullyoon and Jinsol in their room while Lily and Jiwoo were getting ready to call it a night in the room that the three of you share together.

But you just got home from spending the day out with Jinni and even though you had a lot of fun hanging out with her, you missed Haewon so much.

So your first thought when you arrived home was to come and see her.

"How was your day?" You asked as you climbed into her bed with her.

You went to lay your head on her chest but she scooted further away, causing your head to fall against one of her pillows instead.

"Are you okay?"

She was silent as she sat up against her pillows and reached for her phone.

"Haewon, are you mad at me? What did I do?"

"I don't know, Y/N." She said as she put her phone back down and gazed at you, her arms folded over her chest. "Why don't you just go and hang out with Jinni again?"

"Is that what this is about?" You frowned. "Why are you upset with me hanging out with Jinni? I know that she left the group but we're all cool with her. I know I'm closer to her than all of you are but I thought we were all still friends with her."

"We are."

"Then what's the problem?" You scoffed. "Are you mad because I spent the day with her instead of you?"

"No." She grumbled.

"Then what is it? I'm not a mind reader, Haewon! You have to talk to me."

She stayed quiet and just played with her fingers.

"I'm not going to bed until we work this out. We don't go to bed angry, it's unhealthy. So, talk to me." You said as you stared at her.

"I'm not mad that you're still friends with Jinni. But sometimes... I get jealous and worried."


"Because Jinni likes you!" She replied with a huff. "She had a huge crush on you when she was in the group."

"She did? She never told me that."

"Because I confessed to you before she did and she knew we were together. However, I know she has feelings for you still. I see it in the way she looks at you when we hang out together. Sometimes I get jealous because that's the way I look at you!"

"Haewon, you don't have any reason to be jealous." You said as you reached for her hand. "I don't have feelings for Jinni. I only love you."

She smiled a little as she intertwined your fingers with hers.

"I guess just knowing you spend all day with her sometimes, just the two of you, and knowing that she likes you... it makes me jealous. It makes me nervous. Because you're my girl."

"I know I am." You smiled. "And I love it more than anything. I love being your girl, just like I love knowing you're my girl. I'm so in love with you, baby. No one will ever have my heart except for you. So don't get jealous of Jinni. I promise nothing will ever happen between us."

"I know. I trust you, baby. I just love you so much and I never want to lose you."

"And you never will. I promise." You said as you brought her hand to your lips for a kiss. "I am all yours, forever and always. Don't be jealous, okay? It breaks my heart when you are and when you ignore me after."

"I promise, I'll try to stop being jealous and I won't ignore you anymore. I'll talk to you from now on." She promised.

"Good. Now, you owe me lots of cuddles."

"Happily." She grinned. "Maybe you can sleep in here with me tonight. Just cuddling, nothing more."

"Okay." You smiled as she pulled you into her arms and laid back down.

You laid your head on her chest and breathed out a contented sigh as she kissed your head and told you how much she loved you.

There's nowhere else in the world that you'd want to be and no one else you'd rather be with.

Because Haewon makes you happier than anything or anyone else.

And your heart will always be hers.

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