cuddling when you can't sleep (requested)

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You sat up in bed and ran your hands over your face with a frustrated groan.

You're so tired of lying awake in the dark bedroom beside Haewon, tossing and turning as the hours drag by.

You and Haewon came up to bed around midnight and it's been three hours since then and you haven't slept for even a minute.

You're tired of being awake, feeling lonely and bored as your sweet girlfriend sleeps beside you.

You're afraid the longer that you stay awake and the more you toss and turn in bed, sooner or later it'll disturb Haewon's peaceful slumber and she'll wake up and be unable to get back to sleep.

You decided that maybe it was time to go downstairs to watch some tv and curl up on the sofa and see what happens.

So, with a quiet sigh, you leaned over and kissed Haewon's forehead softly before you got ready to get out of bed.

But the sound of her voice and the feeling of her hand on your back stopped you.

"Baby? What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I'm sorry, Haewon. I can't sleep. I was going to go downstairs and do something to occupy myself so I wouldn't wake you."

"Well, I'm up now so no need for that. Lay back down." She said as she patted the spot beside her, wanting you to be as close as you could get.

"I don't know, Haewon. I don't want to stay up for a while more and worry about waking you. You've been so busy and you need sleep."

"Y/N, I won't be able to sleep if you're not here with me. So lay back down. We'll cuddle." She smiled.

There was no denying it; you loved the sound of that.

So you laid back down and scooted as close to her as you could.

She covered you back up with the blankets and then tangled her legs with yours before she smiled at you while her eyes locked with yours.

"There. Now we can cuddle until you fall asleep." She said as she put her arms around you.

"And if I don't fall asleep?"

"Then you've got me to cuddle with while we're awake." She smiled.

"We? No. Haewon, you have to get some rest."

"I'm not tired right now. I'll sleep whenever I get sleepy enough to. For now, cuddle with me and relax. I've got you, darling. I love you."

She brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and then kissed you once more.

"Okay. I love you too, baby."

She put her head on yours, cuddling you as close as she could as you relaxed together and talked about whatever came to your mind.

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