Chapter 13: Calling Sun, Yearning Heart

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Author's Notes

Please note that chapter 13 was released together with chapter 12, so please read 12 first, especially when 13 picks up directly where 12 ended.

This one is 27.6K words long.


Breakfast this morning was eventful to say the least with plenty of people. Alisa's face when she arrived this morning looked like she was trying hard to decide whether to be surprised or exasperated. She was brought up to speed and while I could see that she was a little jealous that Sora-senpai is going to live with us, she didn't make a fuss and still supported it since it was the best for Sora-senpai.

Right now I'm walking together with Sora-senpai, Alisa and aunt Julia to school. It'll only be aunt Julia watching over us for now since Dream is going to help Grandma Frost with moving Sora-senpai's belongings and making documents for Skadi and Eren, but he'll be ready to move if something happens.

"There's a lot of supernatural energy going around inside your house." Alisa tells me.

"Yeah, I'm also starting to pick up on it thanks to auntie and Dream's help." I reply.

"Soon you can detect it at longer ranges and can even tell the various types from one another." Aunt Julia tells me as she adjusts the bag she's carrying.

"James... you seem rather cautious of our surroundings... is it because of what Bae-chan said?" Sora-senpai asks.

"Yeah, it's been one thing after another for several days now, so I'm kinda jumpy..." I reply with a tired sigh.

"What did she say?" Alisa asks.

"She sensed dread on the horizon, something Riega would be familiar with, so it's not good." I say.

"Definitely not good..." Alisa nods in agreement.

"Be ready but don't be so alert and tense. You'll just stress yourself out and that could spell trouble when something does come up." Aunt Julia tells me. She makes a good point, I'll just needlessly stress myself out by anticipating disaster the whole time. I should be ready, not paranoid.

"You're right, auntie. I'll do my best not to be paranoid." I reply.

"Good boy." Aunt Julia says with a smile as she pats my head.

"Maybe this'll help alleviate your worries." Alisa says as she pulls out a small blue pouch from her pocket and shows it to me.

"It's a protective charm. I've been really worried about you after all the stuff you've gone through recently, so I got you this." Alisa says and she takes my hand and places the charm on it but doesn't let go.

"I know you weren't big on things like divine blessings back then, but this should help protect you from danger. I believe it will." Alisa tells me before slowly letting go of my hand. I inspect the small blue pouch tied up by a pink string and I can feel something inside it, a block of wood if I had to guess.

She's right about me not being big on divine blessing, but my view on such things has been shaken up recently and it doesn't hurt to believe in such things to a degree. But more importantly to me, my best friend gave me this charm because she was really worried about me.

"Thanks, Alisa. I'll put my faith in it." I tell Alisa with a small smile and she smiles back in reply before she turns to Sora-senpai.

"Sora-senpai, I also got one for you too. Please take it." Alisa says as she pulls out another protective charm of the same kind and hands it to Sora-senpai.

"Th-... Thank you... Alisa-chan..." Sora-senpai says as she looks at the charm as her eyes seem to dull out.

"Sora-senpai?" I call out to her as we're worried about her. Sora-senpai seems to snap to attention when I say her name.

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