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"finally! The last city!" Jiwoo went in to the tour bus followed by the rest of Blood Moon members. "we can spend our last day here wherever we like. Still, we have to keep it on the low."

"I think we're too tired for that, jiwoo." Vivi said sitting on the couch holding a glass of water. Yeojin laid her head on Vivi's lap and closed her eyes.

"me and sooyoung will go." Kimlip said and put her arm around Yves' shoulder. "right?"

"sure." Yves replied lazily.

Jiwoo looked around to find hyunjin but it seems like she went straight to her room. not gonna lie, jiwoo also feels tired but this is their first break after the tour and music making. She understood them.

"alright. We're going back to the hotel. Tomorrow evening, we'll discuss about mini fan-meeting the next day!" jiwoo informed then went to the back of the bus.

Everyone slept along the way to the hotel.


"sooyoung, you ready yet?" Kimlip went to Yves' room. instead of looking at Yves who's ready to go out, she saw Chuu being spooned by Yves. "whoops."

"yeah, I'm ready." Yves got up and Chuu got startled by Kimlip's presence and sat up on the bed. Kimlip saw her blushing and just laugh about it. "I won't be long, stay here if you want." Yves added. She took her jacket and headed out.

"must be fun. Doing that." Kimlip started. Yves looked at her with a questioned look.

"we're just buddies." Yves replied followed by a long yawn.

Kimlip understands that that's just how Yves handle relationship. No feelings, no attachments. It all seem so easy to Kimlip's eyes.

"hyunjin's still with Heejin. Aren't you still texting Jinsoul?"

"she didn't replied well these days. I guess she give up already." Kimlip looked down and kicked some pebbles.

"don't be sad. I hate seeing sad people." Yves dragged Kimlip to the nearest café she saw from a distance.

The rest of the members are currently in Vivi's room. Vivi and Yeojin are really close since trainee days. They're on the bed chatting. Mostly Vivi and Yeojin but hyunjin talks a little too.

"my sister asked about you a lot! When will you meet her?" Yeojin being her nosy self asked away her curiosity.

"you mean your long cousin?" Vivi considered Yeojin as her own little sister especially, she's the youngest in the group.

"she had a crush on you, Vi." Hyunjin chimed in, still looking at her phone.

"you can't put it like that! she wants to improve... connections." Hearing Yeojin's words, hyunjin scoffed.

"we're busy these days, you know that." Vivi patted Yeojin's head.

"hm... alright! You have to see her when we're back. I don't want her to bother me anymore." Yeojin sulked a little.

"okay okay..."




"hyeju!" haseul snapped at Olivia for doing too much with the improvisation.

"this is my part! I can do whatever I want!" hyeju snapped back.

"but it will mess up our genre." Haseul went soft after hyeju snapped at her. Olivia just rolled her eyes.

"aigoo... don't fight, guys. We have a tour next week. We're supposed to be excited!" Yerim monitored them from the other side of the booth.

"tsk. Hyeju will behave. Right?" Gowon said to threat hyeju a bit.

"ugh. Why are you my girlfriend, anyway?" hyeju pushed a smile towards haseul.

"good. Shall we continue?"

Blue Butterflies continued to prepare for their tour. They usually finished late but since it's weekend they ended a little early.

"are you still with hyunjin?" Jinsoul ate together with Heejin after practice. Heejin looked up at her.

"ah, yes. She'll be back in 2 days. What about you? I heard jungeun still contacted you." Heejin asked the older girl.

"that... I don't really respond to her anymore." Heejin just nodded at her words.

Meanwhile, haseul and Yerim we're talking about hyeju being in the group in the lounge area. Hyeju got switched by the company, replacing Kimlip.

"ugh! Jungeun should be here! Now she's dating Gowon, what's the difference?" haseul ranted to Yerim.

"but they're not as exposing. So that's a plus for them. Besides, Heejin and hyunjin seems to work out." Yerim said with a smile. She knows haseul so well that she can't work with someone new that easily. "you'll get along. Chill out."

Haseul scoffed. "you wish."

"are you talking about me?" Olivia appeared behind haseul without her knowing. Haseul immediately turned back.

"are you eavesdropping?!" haseul asked aggressively.

"so you did talk about me." Olivia smirked at her then looked at Yerim. "I'm going out, you want anything?"

"great timing! I want bingsu! You want anything haseul?" Yerim offered.

"okay. I'll be going." Before haseul could answer, Olivia walked away.

"I want some cake!" haseul shouted.

"I can't hear you!" Olivia replied from a distance.

"rude." Haseul folded her arms. Yerim just chuckled at them.


"didn't know you like cake." Gowon noticed Olivia took one from the shelf.

"for haseul." Olivia put the cake on her tray. Gowon gave her a smile.

"I thought you hate her." Gowon linked her arm on Olivia. "you miss your bandmates?"

"yes. kinda." They then walked to the cashier.

Gowon got used to her girlfriend's attitude but she somehow found a soft spot of her. when they arrived at the dorm, the other members and Yerim gathered on the living room.

"seems like you all ready to eat." Olivia put the foods on the table.

everyone prepared the food on the table and started to eat. Haseul noticed a slice of cake on one of the bags.

"thought you can't hear me." haseul looked at Olivia who's sitting on the couch.

"you're welcome."

Haseul huffed and just ate the cake.

"this teokpokki is amazing! Thanks hyeju!" Heejin spoke still with food on her mouth.

"you will choke if you talk with your mouth full." Haseul looked worried.

"okay mom." Heejin mocked her and the rest laugh along at the joke.

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