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Blood Moon did a comeback earlier than Blue Butterflies. They came up with an album consist of 5 songs.

New, So What, Eclipse, Favorite, and Be Honest. Mr. Kang chose New to be the title track.

"alright. We'll have lots of music shows these 3 weeks. Then we prepare for collaboration stage." Chuu informed.

"what stage?" Yeojin asked.

"it's for year-end party. We'll discuss it after this comeback." Chuu said with a smile.

They went to music shows 4 times a week in 3 weeks on their promotion period. They also attended some talk shows and variety shows when they're not on music shows. This includes fan-meeting. Their schedules are tight.




"whoa... my girlfriend looks so good." Heejin almost drool over hyunjin.

"ugh. Disgusting." Jinsoul joked around with Heejin.

"doesn't jungeun looks good? I mean everyone is good looking." Heejin pushed Jinsoul playfully for teasing her.

"as you said, everyone looks good." Jinsoul flatly said to Heejin.

"Vivi is amazing." Haseul chimed in.

"everything she does is amazing to you." Heejin teased. Haseul giggled.

"you know me so well." Haseul smiled at Heejin and hugged her from behind.

"they must be so tired, though." Yerim's eyes glued to her ipad.

"no doubt. We'll be starting next week, right?" Jinsoul asked Yerim.

"yes. There are variety shows and talk shows too. Stay healthy, okay?" Yerim reminded them. They all nodded and continue to watch TV.


"okay let's start from the course." The producer commanded.

They practice their song for their first comeback stage that will due 3 days from now.

"alright good." The producer complimented they're performance. They all came out of the booth and gathered on the studio. "hyeju are you okay? You seem out of focus."

"the weather got me, Soojin." Since everyone is close with the producers, they speak casually with them.

"I see. Please take care of your health." Soojin, the main producer that often works with Blue Butterflies smiled at hyeju.

"I told her to wear coats she didn't listen." Gowon slapped Olivia's arm.

"alright, I'll wear them next time."


"have a good rest. We'll go at the venue at 9 tomorrow. Good night guys!" Yerim said to all members.

They all went to sleep easily since they practiced hard today.

They woke up and started their comeback period.

Their album also consists of 5 songs.

Vivid, heart attack, one & only, star, and Wow. Vivid will be the title track.

Same as Blood Moon, their days consist of music shows, variety shows, and fan-meetings that also lasts for 3 weeks. By the time Blood Moon finished, Blue Butterflies is on their 2nd week.

Yves watched Blue Butterflies stage on the TV.

"didn't know Jinsoul is that pretty." She smirked at the tv. "Gowon looks so cute too."

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