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"is everyone ready?" Yerim checked on Blue Butterflies members.

"yes!" they all replied.

"good! We're going straight to the airport."

They went early in the morning because the first concert is today this evening. They arrived at the hotel just to put their luggage then they went to the venue dressing room.

"alright everyone! This is our first world tour in 2 years. Please take care of your health and rest enough these 3 weeks. All tickets almost sold out here so expect a lot of audience. Just relax!" Yerim gave them a speech of encouragement. "Olivia and haseul. Please don't fight..."

"sure thing." They both replied.


"whoa... you know how crowded it was? I didn't think it'd be that many." Heejin and the rest of the members gathered on the green room after the concert.

"I still want to be on that stage." Haseul pouted.

"we'll see more of them on the next country! Oh my god I'm so excited!" Gowon jumped and hugged Olivia.

"nice work guys." Olivia said to all of them.

"waaa... I'm so proud of you all!" Yerim cheered. "now let's head back to the hotel and rest, we have a fanmeeting tomorrow afternoon."


Once arrived at the hotel they spent time on their rooms.

Gowon and Olivia are currently cuddling on bed preparing to sleep. Olivia is the type that sleeps easily so Gowon is still awake technically. She heard a knock on the door a few times. She got up carefully to avoid waking Olivia up.

"hey." Jinsoul greeted.

"you can't sleep? What's wrong?" Gowon sensed some sadness in Jinsoul.

"kind of. I have thoughts." Jinsoul lowered her head.

"hyeju is sleeping, we can talk in your room." Jinsoul nodded and headed back.

Turns out, Heejin is also there.

"oh, they're here. I'll call you later." Heejin put her phone aside.

"what's wrong, jin?" Gowon started.

"I want to end it with her." Jinsoul said sadly. Heejin and Gowon gasped.

"what do you mean end?" Heejin sat up. "it'll hurt both of you."

"I know. But it'll be troublesome for us too. If we think about each other too much, we can't focus on our band. You know this is my dream, she knows. I can't lose this job."

"aren't you too mean?" Gowon said.

"what can I do then? We'll get caught again in the future."

"you don't know that. back than it was an accident, right? You can be more careful." Heejin suggested.

"still. I made up my mind."

"you'll regret it." Heejin folded her arms.

"let her be. I know she already planned this thoroughly. Right?" Gowon asked unsure.

"right now I'm sure." Jinsoul took her phone from the nightstand.

"you'll talk to her right now?" Gowon asked.

"that's even meaner!" Heejin slapped her arm lightly. Jinsoul put down her phone in front of her.


"is that jungeun?" Heejin being nosy, asked Jinsoul. Jinsoul nodded.

Jung: you awake?

Soul: yes.

"what?" Jinsoul noticed her friends looking at her.

"I think she doesn't give up on you. She knows you're avoiding her." Gowon informed.

"then it'll be easier for me." Jinsoul sighed. "I hope."

Jung: I heard you're with Heejin. Are you okay?

Soul: we're just chatting.

Jung: oh, okay. Have a good rest, soul. 😊

"right. She must be with Yves or hyunjin." Jinsoul smiled a little.

"ah... you're unbelievable. I feel sad for her." Gowon stood up. "I'll go back. if Hyeju woke up without me, she'll be grumpy. You guys should sleep too."

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