♡my shining star♡

16 0 2

  You never thought that your day would start normal, almost get arrested, and die- but here you are- on top of a building running from a wanna-be-cop security guard with a 3'8 skeleton who was awfully sweet.

    You and ink were drawing, painting, and making small little mushroom houses with clay, inside of a nice fort on top of a very huge building in a place called "Cosmic."

  "Cosmic city? I've never heard of this place." You looked around the bright city at the edge of the building. "It's so... Beautiful. "

  Your eyes glistened by the beautiful blue light of the city. On the buildings were plants/vines everywhere, and flowers bloomed in every corner. The city was different shades of blue, and purple and black.. It was beautiful.

The beauty of the city filled you with aww and reassurance. You didn't notice ink was quite, you turned to find him just- staring at you, like he was looking at the most beautiful thing in the world (which he was ;))

  "Uhm... Ink?? " you waved your hand in front of him. "OH!! In so sorry, we're you saying something?? " you noticed a rainbow hue coming from his face.

"Why did you bring me here- Not that I DON'T want to be here it just... Pretty random after the chase. "

  You don't know why it was so hard to talk to him- what was making you so- shy??

"Oh! Right!! That's why we're here- look! "
Ink pointed towards the beautiful night sky.

It was filled with stars and shades of dark blue. It was almost as beautiful as the city itself.

"This is a dream!! It has to be... This is to good to-" you stared at ink with excitement, until you noticed he was counting down.





"Look! " ink pointed quickly at the sky, you instantly looked, and the sky got brighter and brighter and-!

The sky swayed with stars, and filled with endless waves of blue, purple, and white. Comets shouting from left to right, and the atmosphere all around them changed gracefully like LED lights.

You adored every. Single. Second.

You jumped up with excitement, and ran to the center of the rough and started to twirl- looking at the sky. After a very long time- you danced, and laugh. You were so thrilled with all of this... And Ink just adored it.

He just stared at you.. He didn't know what he was feeling before- but now he feels something asking and pulling in his none existing soul, he was feeling something he thought was impossible to feel without One.


Ink watched you as you danced and spun in a circle while watching the sky, he was intimidated by your raze of beauty- no, excitement- no...just...YOU!


You rushed towards him into a warm embrace. Ink melted into your arms his cheeks coverd in rainbows.

"No problem, new friend!..You know...This only happens a two or three times a year!"

Ink tried to engage again, still melting into her arms like puddy.

"Well, I'm so grateful that you took me, even after all that happened today- I can't thank you enough! "

You gave him a bright smile, making him shrink from flusteration. "Y-you know... Even though you just met me today- I-i can take you to all TYPES of aus!!..if you'd like to, that is-. "

Before ink could even say anything else, you hugged him even more tightly. "OH YES YES YES- THANK YOU!! " you hopped around with him in your arms and spined, you both laughed and danced together, as the stars shinned, and the sky changed.. This was a moment.. You will never learn to forget...And neither will he.

He'll make sure he won't. ♡

An hour later, Ink dropped you back off at your house, and as soon as you came in, your dog, Saturn, jumped all over you and ink.

"AHAHAww- SATI!" You pet her and tried to keep her at bay- instead of chewing all over On ink.... Which turned into chase.


You chased her all over your house, as ink ran for his life, "WHY IS EVERYONE AFTER MY BONES TODAY!!?"

Once you finally had Saturn calmed down, you invited ink to stay over, yet he sadly denied- saying that he had to go finish his painting, you understood and let him go.

Before ink did that one puddle thing you could never fathom for the life of you, he turned to you with realization.

"The painting I wanted!! Remember?? " you were still surprised that he still ACTUALLY wanted the painting. "Oh yeah, ... Actually.. I have one for you. "

"Whoa!! What type of painting is this!? " ink asked in curiosity. "Yeah, it's not that good.. I was going to give to someone else.. But it turns out they didn't wa-" 

"I'll TAKE it!! "

You turned with wide eyes, "really? But you didn't even see it-."

Ink insisted on it, so you went outside real quick to grab the paining behind the lawn mower, and gave it to him.

Ink was so happy with the drawing... It actually gave you hope that.. Maybe you weren't so bad- maybe,

You could just do it better next time.


When you head to bed, you couldn't sleep, you layed on your bed, hugging your pillow while staring at the sealing, thinking and daydreaming about today.

You couldn't help but think about the chaos and the "Au" you went to... Was that even real? Did all of that happen in just a DAY? And to think he'll take you to MORE!?

Despite everything-

You couldn't wait for another adventure.

With a 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙚 friend. ♡


"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬" A ink! sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now