Santa claws is coming to town~.

15 0 0

   Snow fell ever so slowly, and a quite neighborhood was about, not a single loud car- not even a single shout.

   The silk sheets were smooth underneath you, as you held ink tight- and stuck like glue.
It was a peaceful morning, everything was perfect..... Until your dog came in and had to ruin it-.

    "Hehe- Sati down-! " ink sheepishly mumbled to wards Saturn, as she covers him in dog kisses. "OW- Saturn you TAIL-. "
You tried to shove her butt out of your face, but she wouldn't budge-... Why'd did you have such a big dog?


The kitchen was filled with the smell of sweet breakfast, as you cook both of you some breakfast, your dog thinking she would get some- only for her to get disappointed when you shooed her away.

    "Mmm- smells amazing-! " ink hugged you from behind, struggling to see what you were making because of your height.

   "Awww, thanks-! It's my special holiday breakfast-! " you exaggerated as you wiggled your fingers as if you were casting magic on it. "Oh yeah.. The breakfast smells good too~ "

  "Your not smelling my skin again are you?? "
Ink was quite for a second, and cleared his throat, "...... No.. ".

   You raised your brow, and looked at him with a shit eating grin, "... Alright maybe I was- BUT YOU SMELL SO NICE-! "

   You started to use a new wash you found at "Bath & Beyond", and ever since then Ink has been touchy with you  like a small little cuddle bug-.

   As you both ate your breakfast, ink blabbing away about a cool Au that he found that he's trying to keep secret for you for Christmas, " why can't u just see it now-! "

    You hated surprises, and you couldn't STAND waiting, "just tell me what it IS? "
Ink scoffed, "sweetie, If I tell you.. It wouldn't  be a surprise-! "

  You playfully pretend to sob, and throw a fit, kicking your feet and banging the table softly, ink rolled his eyes and just shook his head.


  You and ink got ready to go out to go Christmas shopping, you also promised to get him something from bath and beyond as well-. 

  Ink put on his favorite sweater, which was just a light brown sweater with white hearts all over it, and you put on your F/C sweater, with some baggy pants. When you both were ready, ink made sure to feed Saturn before he forgot-.

   "Pspsps hear Saturn- come here momma's-! " ink called as if he were calling for a baby.... But Saturn just laid on the couch, as if she hadn't heard anything.

   "Uhm, Y/N- is Sati feeling okay today?? " ink went to Saturn, as she wagged her tail playfully.

   "Yeah- I just got her looked at last week, we have to hurry what's wrong-! "

   Ink pet Saturn, and gave her a kiss on the nose, "She doesn't respond to me when I call her-! "  you sighed,  him not knowing how to tell him, " ... She's DEATH, ink- she can't hear you.. "

    Ink felt embarrassed, not knowing these whole 3 months you guys been together- he had no idea he was talking to a death dog-.

   When you came down stairs to check why ink was taking so long, ink was petting and hugging Saturn, her just wagging her tail- her bangs to long for her to see little much to ANYTHING?

   "Come on ink- were getting of topic, we need to hurry before the mall gets any busier -! " you drag ink away from the big hairy dog, "My cousin is waiting for us in the car! "

"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬" A ink! sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now