You and I

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     You were already having a rough day, you woke up on the wrong side of the pain- having that same back pain as always-.
You stubbed your toe, chipped your nail, slammed your finger in the door, and even when you tried doing what "calms" you- you just end up SPILLING the paint everywhere-!

    "Oh shit-!" You struggle to pick it up...untill you'd given up and just sat on the floor....and started to cry.

'This is stupid' you thought, ',why should I be crying over this- why is ANY of this happening in the first place....I shouldn't even been complaining - it could be worse..'

You wiped your own tears, and got up smiling, "I shouldn't be crying, that'd just be ungrateful -."

    You don't know why....but you felt like you could never cry-, cause if you did, you'd just be selfish -....well- at least that's how your parents made you feel.

   Whenever you were sad, they'd tell you that your fine, and had no reason to cry- that you'd had a roof over your head, and food to eat, and a family that "loved" you had no reason to REALLY cry-.

     .....And it stuck to you...the words they said...the smiles you were forced to put on by yourself - it was like you were a puppet....but someone else was saying the words for you-.

      You put away the paint just needed to sleep- sleep it all away.


    You layed on top of your bed, looking up at the celling-. All you wanted to do was sleep...But how could you ever sleep when your eyes and head felt like they were going to burst out of your skull-. Your throat was tightened, it hurt to eyes red....but you bit your tongue and shouldn't be crying over SOMTHING this stupid- just....GET OVER YOURSELF Y/N!

As soon as you got deep into thought, you were startled by your bedroom door slamming open, followed by a small person carrying a bunch of snacks into your room.....and your big dog following the junk food as well -.

"HELLO my beloved girlfriend -! For I have came back with your favorite snacks that you like...and those thingys for your "female area"- so consider your grocery List" Ink trailed off at the sight of your face, "... concord -."

  Before you could even form a word, the worried skeleton dropped everything and got up onto the bed with you....after some struggle because of his laughed a little-.

   "Omg are you okay-!?? What happened?? Was I gone for too long-" The worried skeleton went on and on, "I'm okay I'm okay, now please calm down ink-!, I don't want you to throw up on my bed-!"

You tried to joke, but your throat was quite soar and shaky, "I'm fine, I'm sorry for scaring you I'm ju-"

   Ink then covered your mouth with his own, catching you off guard, "don't EVER say sorry for crying-!" His eyes glimmering with grief ..but hope.

      Ink pulled you into a hug...the hug you needed all day- you couldn't help but melt inside his arms.  Ink stayed quite for a few more minutes...untill he got a great idea -!

    "I know-! Let's get out of this ol place, you need some fresh air-!"

   You really didn't want to go didn't feel like being around other people-, ink seemed to see that through your eyes

   "....I know-! I wanted to save it for your birthday...but I think this is just to much of a great opportunity -!"

     He looked at you with those stary just couldn't say no, ", me."

"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬" A ink! sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now