♡Family reunion Part:1 ♡

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  Their was a very long line for the restaurant, but ink had thought ahead and already scheduled you both a booth!

  "No need, me' lady! For I- have gotten us a Royal booth-. " ink was acting like a character you saw from deltarune... It was quite embarrassing-.

  You roll your eyes and bow, "why thank you my good fellow- charmed I'm sure! "

  You both get to the booth, you noticed ink out a candle in the center of the table- as you can see, he's one with the classics.

  The restaurant was filled with the sent of cinnamon.. With a mix of other spices you couldn't figure out what it was. "This p lace is amazing! We're did you find out about this place, ink? " ink scratched his head awkwardly.. " I might of asked a few friends... I definitely knew what I was doing in the first place I just.... Freaked out a bit. "

  Ink face was flushed in rainbows, he laughed a put his face in his hands, "I'm so sorry- this is soooo embarrassing.. "

  You take inks hand into yours, and rub your thumb against his boned knuckles softly, "don't worry, sweets- Im a bit nervous myself. "

   Ink's face became a darker set of colors, "ah- coming up with nicknames already, huh?? "  the waitress asked with a smirk.

  "Oh, hi Clay! I love your hijab- that color looks so nice on you!! " Clay was your high school study-buddy, you didn't know she worked here!

  "Oh, thank you - thank you! " Clay looked at you, then back at Ink... Then you- and gave s shit eating grin (which looked a lot like lorane's). "So.. Who the lucky bird?? "

   You blushed, and introduced ink to clay, that's when Clay's eyes widened with realization, "Oh!! Your that one kind skelly that my girlfriend keeps talking about!! "

  Ink was confused, and so were you.. Then ink finally remembered, "OH YEAH, you guys are dating??! "

    "Well.. We're actually going to get married this fall-! " Ink and you both cheer and clap.. Clay covering her face so know one saw her being embarrassed. "Alright, alright- enough about me, now what can I get you guys?? "


  The food was soo good, and enjoyed everything with ink, you guys tried tossing each other the food to cacth it.... It didn't really go so well. "A little to the left-! "  Ink had his mother wide open, and you with your EPIC aiming skills... Miss him completely and hit the poor man in the back of the head with a piece of shrimp. 

   "Hey!! Who did that!!? " you both couldn't believe it! IT WAS THE COP AGAIN!
  The man turned around and noticed you too, "YOU! " "GOTTA BLAST-!"

  Ink than dashed for the door, but stopped noticing your behind, "what are you DOING?? " You rush through your bag for some lose cash, "SOMEONE HAD TO PAY-!"
"HEY! " the man yelled, everybody staring at the both of you bursting through the door.

  Ink and you were running through out the whole city, laughing all the way around. You loved running away from the world with him, you loved causing mischief and both not giving a single care in the world. The whole world could be chasing after you both.. Yet you'd both be laughing.. 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ♡.


You looked back, blowing a raspberry... Until you crashed into someone.

  "Oh my god! Im so sor-..... " you stopped on your tracks.. Your heart sunk and your mind numb... "Mom.. Dad? "

  The women and man that you forced yourself to forget were right in front of you. "Dear, where have you been!? "

  "I've been... Busy-. " you lied, you honestly just cut them out of your life... And for good reasons.

  Ink then rushes towards you into a warm embrace, encouraging you to keep running... Until he looked towards your parents.
  "Who are they?? " 

Your parents look in disgust, "what IS that? "
You turn to your parents instantly, your face filled with rage already. "That THING is my boyfriend, ink!! "

     Ink blushed, he never heard your voice with such power. Your parents look up and down at ink, "he's.... A monster-? " your mother looked at you like you were some shit on the bottom of her favorite shoes.
  "Okay??? What's your point? "

     "Now now, let's not get into anything to deep.. Hello think! I'm Y/N's father! " Your dad  shakes inks hand, "it's uh... INK , sir. "

  Your dad chuckled, "right! " your dad then wiped his hands on the back of his pants, as if he touched something sick, it triggered you.

   "Excuse me mamm! " uh oh, as soon as you thought it wouldn't get worse..... The cop found you all.

   Your mom looked at you confused, "yes?? "
"So you happen to know these two?? " you started to sweat, knowing were this was going. "Yes, this is my daughter and her..... Friend-. " "BOYFRIEND-." You glared at your mom, you hated how it seemed as if she were talking about a PET-!

    "Oh, well then- I'll leave you all with a warning, Im too tired for this-. " the cop leaves with no further explanation, "what was that about? "

   "Uh... Just an old friend! " you lied again, not wanting to make things worse.

  You mom looked at what you were wearing... "That suit. " you looked around, confused, "what about it?? "

  "Oh nothing... It's just.... " you mom pauses, "SHOWS.... Alot-. "

Inks eyes changed to a pattern you haven't seen before, two red targets. "What do you mean by that-?" Ink voice started to get stiffer, you haven't seen ink like this before EVER...... It.. It was kinda hot-. :^
   "HEY! I know, why don't you two come over for diner tonight, I bet your both starving! "
You & Ink were going to deny it, but your parents insisted. ".. Sure- but we have plans, so only for a while. "

  "Alright, why don't you drive with is, huh?? " your father offered you his hand.... You took ink's. "Alright... Lead the way. "

"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬" A ink! sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now