"For How Long-?"

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  You and Ink had been in your little studio, as he taught you some new Tricks that could help you with your painting.

"Like this-?" You asked, trying to taim your shaking hand.

He helps you with your hand, tilting it a bit to get that perfect angle.

"Aaaaaand- PERFECT-! Great job, Y/N- see? I told you you could do it!" He smiled.

You sighed, pleased with the art work you did, "what do you think, squid- hang on fridge material -?" You teased, making him snort.

"Anything you make belongs in a museum in my eyes, mon amour~."

  You rolled your eyes, pushing him playful to the side, as you walked out the room and to the bathroom-  only to have something in the corner of your eyes move and quickly disappear.

  You stopped dead in your tracks, looking down the steps-


"Yah-?" You were startled a bit to see the small skeleton by your side, but that quickly turned to worry.

"If you're here- then...w-what was that-?"

He tilted his head, wondering what she was talking about, "Relax-!. it's probably Satu-"




"YO- Inky brah you's got a DOG, Tots rad Man-!"

.....You slowly looked at Ink with wide eyes, to meet him with an unbothered look.
He looked back up to you, rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry-, it's just Fresh-."


"He has his ways, sorry- he just doesn't know when to pop up wherever and when he cant-."

  As you still were questioning your life choices- the both of you walk down the stairs to meet the surprisingly tall 90's skeleton, poking at your dog.

"These hear things sure are interesting, Yo-! they be rolling and all at' stuff- pretty chill-."

You chuckled nervously, standing next to him and the dog, only for him to stand back up to look down at you.....it intimidated you on how much he toward over you.

  "H-heya Fresh, You sure do know how to....Surprise people-." You cleared your throat, you don't know why- but you were always nervous around him...he was cool-..

But somthing about him was just


And you  didn't know how to describe it.

"Fresh, Please- you can't just pop in Y/N's house like you own the place -." You tried not to laugh a bit, seeing how he had to look all the way up just to meet his Colorful, Neon Shades.

"Why's Not-??" He tilted his head, his shades changing to a bunch of Questions marks.

"BECAUSE- You're gonna give one of us a heart attack if you keep....um....-" he paused.

"What did he do-?" He whispered to you

You giggled, "Nothing- he's fine for now. So fresh, what's with the sudden visit?"

The tall skeleton shrugged with a sly smirk,
"Aaaah nothing much, Broski- just wanted to pop up and tap in with the inky brah for a lil bit, You know-?"

"For sure, I have a little bit of shopping to do anyway- so I'll give you boys some time to yourselves -."

You grabbed your coat from the counter, about ready to head off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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