Chapter 2

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I arrive to class and sit by Scarlett and today we're learning about stupid history. I hate school so much but on my last warning so I'm trying my best to stay out of trouble.  Anyway Javon and Scarlett are talking a lot for obvious reasons as bf and gf they have already planned a first date to watch the planes there too cute. Mrs hunt has set us a assignment and we have to go in pairs  I hate this as I know Javon and Scarlett are going to go together but Scarlett asks me "Olivia we can work together" but I know deep down inside she wants to be with javon "nahhh it's fine I can go with someone else" but there is knowone else except jaden I'm shocked as usually he's first pick but his friends seem to be going together.

"Heyyyy liv guess as were the last people left we have to go together" jaden says too me. Ughhhh honestly I don't mind but knowing him he'd try and grow close too me and become something "yayyyy" I say sarcastically "don't act like u aren't happy Olivia" okay I must admit I was happy to work with him as his house is amaZing and as jaden and javon are siblings I get to hang out with Scarlett everyday after school with them as we all get to work together. "okay whatever but we doing this assignment at you house" I say smiling "fine with me" jaden says.

Me and Scarlett plan on bunking till lunch so we just hang out in bathroom till lunch.
Lunchtime comes and we have these "cliques" I guess you could call them me Scarlett like hanging out just us too but I guess I'm going to be seeing a lot more of javon as now there dating but I can accept it because to be honest javon is funny and so is his friend group. His friend group includes him, jaden, Noah jupe , Luke white , Mike smith. There more the popular guys but there all so hot.

Me and Scarlett walk over to our table and there they come all of the boys they all look handsome can't lie I almost throw up as assoon Scarlett and Javon see eachother they kiss or make out infront of us all.  Some of them suggest we go but honestly I don't want to be the only girl hanging out with a bunch of boys so I suggest it's okay we stay. I can't help myself but notice Noah keeps staring at me I know he likes me as it's pretty obvious when he tried to make out with me at milly browns birthday I had to swerve because he never really did it for me but it was the time I had my first kiss with Marcus day who I'm not friends with anymore as he betrayed me massively when I turned 14, me and him had history but I caught him kissing Libby  at my 14th bday.

But anyway me , jaden, Scarlett and javon planned to start our assignment after school at there house which I was cool going too because I loved there house as I said I've been to thefe house as our parents are friends and every thanksgiving we have a meal there, they hire cooks and entertainment it's a whole big deal at there house which I love , I love "extra things" it's my kinda thing.


Mine-jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now