Chapter 9

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his dad walks out the room and shuts the door and says "sorry" and I stay quiet and jaden burst out laughing that makes me laugh. "oh well errrr I guess your dad had to find out that way" I say laughing a little "it's fine he probably will tell everyone but whatever let's just watch a movie" he says whilst grabbing the remote and putting on enchanted aka my favourite Disney movie ever.

Dinner should be ready in 20 minutes so I go to jaylas room and she offers to brush my hair and she puts a little bit of makeup on me. Me and jaden didn't finish enchanted so we paused it and then we hear a "everyone come down for dinner" as I've said multiple times the Walton's and I have know eachother since birth bassicly so they know everything about me and they also know my favourite meals so Jessica, dj , my dad and my mum cooked an amazing Philly cheesesteak pasta it looked amazing

 Me and jaden didn't finish enchanted so we paused it and then we hear a "everyone come down for dinner" as I've said multiple times the Walton's and I have know eachother since birth bassicly so they know everything about me and they also know my...

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I ran downstairs as soon as I heard it's ready and straight away just breathed in to smell the beautiful pasta and said a simple "thanks" I sat next to jayla and dj because I don't want to look at dj after what he saw upstaries I'm not sure he's told everyone but so be it if he has. "So Olivia what you hoping for, for your birthday?" Jessica says. I think about if for a while "I really want shoes and some clothes" I say. I don't know why but this is so awkward knowone is talking I'm the one trying to start the convo but everyone is just silently eating until daelo says loudly "ahah you and Olivia where kissing upstaries" and just laughs whilst saying it. I could feel my cheeks going so red from embarrassment.

"DAELO I TOLD U NOT TO SAY ANYTHING" jayla yells at him "no no it's fine we did" jaden says confidently and smiling at me. Now that is a relief everyone knows and we have a fun and enjoyable time at dinner eating.

Because it's my birthday Wednesday and we're celebrating today we can't forget cake my favourite cake is fudge chocolate cake and the Walton's know that since my last birthday I almost ate the whole cake myself.
They made it themselves and put candles on it and sang happy birthday

They made it themselves and put candles on it and sang happy birthday

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I blew out the candles and made a wish.

It's getting late and it's around 11pm we have school tommorow so I plan on getting an earlier night but we are still here at the Walton's so my mum and dad suggest we should sleep over and they will take guest room and I will sleep on the floor In jaylas room which I'm cool with.

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