Chapter 6

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after the party I get to stay at Scarlett's house but I ain't gonna tell her yet about me and jaden kissing in the bathroom as I don't know if he don't want anyone knowing. It's 12:45am and very one has left and I'm staying up to help Scarlett clean her living room it's a shit whole. Drinks everywhere food even some shoes

"Heyy liv I have a question for you" Scarlett says unexpectedly

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"Heyy liv I have a question for you" Scarlett says unexpectedly. I turn if my music and say "what's up" she pause and says "well why did you get so mad at Katie hugging jaden" jeez this girl blind it's obvious I like him. "girl okay you want the truth, I like jaden and Katie has done it to me before I guess this was my revenge I deserved too be the shit out of her" Scarlett looks at me and I guess she looks happy "Olivia you know we both beat the shit out of her with people filming that means it's going too go all over school." I pause "shit."

fuck everyone will be sending the video everywhere nahh this ain't good. "Yeah I know let's just forget about it go to bed and act like nothing happened." Scarlett says and that's what we did.

I can't sleep though I'm so giddy about by kiss with jaden his lips where amazing he was amazing.

I'm almost sad it's the weekend it means I don't see him till Monday but I guess the good thing it that it's Sunday. i eventually fell asleep around 3am and Scarlett's dad woke me up at 11am telling me there's cereal downstairs. Cant lie thing I was to hang over from last night so I decided to skip breakfast today and instead head straight home. Me and scarlett live like right next to each other
So it's only a 5 minute walk.

"Hey mum" I say as soon as I walk in "oh heyy Olivia how was last night" she says excited to see me. "It was ehhh fun, I'm gonna hop in the shower and go for a walk."

I head up into my bathroom and have an amazing shower I did everything deep cleansed my hair, shaved my legs and I smelt goooooood. I planned a outfit before my shower and got changed.

I straightened my hair today and did a natural makeup look

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I straightened my hair today and did a natural makeup look. I grab my bad and said "bye mum" and walked out the door and went for a walk my plan was to go to the shopping centre as Scarlett and javon said they wanted to hang out.

The shopping mall is like a 10 minute walk and I get a message
Scarlett-hey me and javon made last minute plans to go cinema sorry, but jaden said he will go with you.
Olivia- fucking bitch ain't no way ain't no way.
Scarlett- sorryyyy we will hang out tommorow or soemthing love ya  💋
Nahh I'm mad AINT no way she hanging out with her bf without me fuck sake atleast jaden will be there for me.

"hey beautiful" jaden says Appearing from the front entrance of the mall "oh heyy jaden" I say. "you look mad pissed about Scarlett ditching you" he says laughing a little "yeah I am" I say whilst rolling my eyes "ahah sooo wanna go someone where else I have this secret but not so secret spot" he says giggling "uhhh sure" he grabs my hand and takes me with him. I say we have been walking around for a solid 45 minutes with no exaggeration.

He takes me to this beautiful beautiful cliff with sparkly water coming down and there are blankets and a picnic basket "woah" I say "i found this place back in summer it's fun to jump of this" he says "I don't think you will see me jumping of this any time soon" and then he grabs my waist pulls me and kisses me softly on my lips and they where the best tasting lips ever.

After 5 Minutes we sit down on the blankets and open up the picnic he says "so Olivia when was your first relationship" he says intrigued " well I've never had a serious relationship before in my life, how bout you" I asked also intrigued "ahah long story I was this girl for around 2 almost 3 years and I did fall on in love but turned out she is a two faced bitch who I will never ever talk to again." Wow I wanna know more "Jesus what did she do?" I asked confused "she kissed my mate whilst we where dating and lied to everyone saying I cheated on her when I'm not like that I would never cheat on anyone" I like that I like that he's telling me he's loyal.

"Well whoever this girl is I defo would not get on well with her." We both having been tlaking for around 2 hours it's getting dark but he's suggested a swim. "Jaden I can't swim I have no swimsuit" I yell "it's fine you have a bra and underpants go in that" ughh omg kill me now "omg fine whatever" I took of my top and bottoms and he takes of his tops and he lifts me up and jumps in the lake holding me close.

We're like children were doing underwater competitions and playing like mermaids this is the most fun I've had in a while. He holds me close and asks "hey liv what would u do if I ask you to be my gf" he says confidently "I'd say 100% yes" I yell "well Olivia would you be my girlfriend" I take a deep smile and just yell "yes!!!" I go in for this kiss this time and this point it's dark and I'm tired so we pack up and walk home.

Mine-jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now