Chapter 13

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"Stop running omg" jaden says out of breathe. We keep on going "does he own u or something" he says seriously whilst running "he's weird" I say. He pulls me into the pushes where we are hidden away and our mouths are so close I can feel his breathe, we stare deep into each others eyes and wow why do I feel like this .as soon as I lean in to kiss him on the lips jaden pulls Noah out the bushes and noah yelled " oh shit"

"Jaden wtf I didnt do anything wtf" jaden throws a punch with his fist but Noah dodges and body's him to the floor, jadens friends come for back up but Noah pulls me close and tells me "where gonna have to hide I can't do all these by myself" I nod and we sprinted of back to school

"Finally" I say out of breathe "we're free" he says with a smile and jumps "well we've missed all of school as we have one hour left wanna chill in the cafeteria" he says "sure come on" I agreed "well I think it's pretty obvious ur not jadens biggest fan" I say with a giggle "your right I don't think he ever like me since I told my my friend group I had a crush on you" he says.

My face is so red I try and hide my smile with a laugh "aghahah really I never new". I lied. I knew and it was reciprocated with me I had a fat crush on him. Until I found jaden, I like jaden a lot I think ,I mean he kinda changed my mind after what he did at the party I never see my self forgiving him, look I know he was drunk but isn't he aware of his actions?

"do you wanna maybe come to mine after school and watch a movie" he asks me "yeah sure...oh wait my mum and dad arent able to drive me home as there both at work" I say "oh this is a problem my mum is at work too" he says "can you maybe sleepover?" He says shyly "yeah my parents would be cool with that" I said with a smile.

after school
We catched the bus together and sat down by eachother, I haven't heard from jaden since earlier but I'm glad I don't want to speak to him "alright this is my stop" Noah says we both get up and walk to his house. Noah house is so far from school it's the last bus stop and a 1 hour drive "okay this is it"

"It's cute" i say happily we walk in and we sit in the kitchen with a snack and talk "so do you have any siblings" I ask curiosily "I do but they have moved out" he responds "we're the only ones home, I'm gonna order a pizza for dinner and we can ...

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"It's cute" i say happily we walk in and we sit in the kitchen with a snack and talk "so do you have any siblings" I ask curiosily "I do but they have moved out" he responds "we're the only ones home, I'm gonna order a pizza for dinner and we can eat in my room if you like" he says with a smile "yeah sure" I smile

"You can go up now whilst I order a pizza and put whatever film u like on" he says "okayyy" I say whilst walking up the staries. Wow his room is so nice and big, I grab his remote and put on bridesmaids.

"hey I order the pizza" he says whilst flying on the bed. "I order half cheese and half pepperoni if that's okay?" He asks "yeah that's good, I hope u like this movie" I said smiling "bridesmaids it's my mum favourite" he says. He notices me half way of the bed and pats under the covers next to him "ahah don't be shy I don't bite" he giggles. I sit up close to him with the covers other us. "Cant lie this movie slaps" he says "I 100% agree" I reply.

The door rings "brb I'll grab it" he says and I just nod and agree. God why do I feel like this , why do I feel a connection with him get over it I say to my self over and over again, like my mum always said just sleep on it. "Heyyy it's here" he says whilst getting under the covers and sit right next to me. "Mmmmm" we both say in rhyme and then giggle. "How would jaden react if he saw us eating pizza in my bed under the cover right next to eachother" he asks "he would probably beat you up" I say.
15 minutes later

"you know I'm getting tired" he says "sameeee wanna just sit and chat now" I say "what do you wanna talk about" he asks "idk ahah... life" I ask "lifeeee ahah well life's getting good at the moment" he says whilst me lying next to him face to face "why is that" I ask confused " well now ur in it" he says "ahah what you have always been In my life" I say "yeah but now ur more in it you know i feel like we're growing closer" he says, I smile ahah "now that's cute" we sit there for 1 minute and just look into eachother and then we laugh we just burst out with laughter and then he holds my waist and kisses me soft and gently on the lips. flashbacks utter flashbacks jaden jaden jaden.

"wow jaden you have the nicest lips" oh shit I did not just say jadens name whilst I'm kissing Noah fuck.

Mine-jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now