Chapter 3

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By last period the snow was so heavy you would basically sink no exaggeration. Me Scarlett javon and jaden all planned to meet on the school track and then wait for Jessica the Walton's mum to pick us up. I'm in my maths class with javon as we both are in the lower maths class as we ain't smart but who cares. Anyway the bell rings and I'm happy as it's Friday last period so that's good no school also I'm in an extra good mood because the beautiful snow yayyy snow is my fav fr fr. Me and javon walk to track and Scarlett and javon are already there waiting for there mum to pick us up I'm freezing as it's -5° I have a crop top on as it didn't say it was going to be cold but it is.

There mum arrives and we all run in the car as they have heating i sit in the middle seat with Scarlett on my left and jaden on my right and javon is on the passenger seat. We had to drive slow as it's still snowing but it's beautiful. Jaden asks me "are you excited to work with me for history Olivia" pfftttt "no" ❤️ "come on Olivia don't be like that" he says looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes. Look I am attracted too jaden but then I'm attracted to most people so I guess it's nothing.

We finally arrive as, as I said we had to drive slow so we didn't slide of the road there house is beautiful

We finally arrive as, as I said we had to drive slow so we didn't slide of the road there house is beautiful

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They have an amazing pool where I go swimming every summer. Anyway we all walk in and I say hey to there dad and sister who I am close too. Jaden then grabs us a drink and a bag of chips

For this assignment we have to do a presentation which should last 4 minutes about the ww1 and how it had an impact we both where pretty good at history and we did have good mental knowledge we walk upstaries and went into his bedroom and sat on h...

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For this assignment we have to do a presentation which should last 4 minutes about the ww1 and how it had an impact we both where pretty good at history and we did have good mental knowledge we walk upstaries and went into his bedroom and sat on his bed and he put a movie on

It gets dark early but he had these beautiful candles we put on for light and then did research and starting revising ww1 I catcher myself and him look in my each other eyes a couple of times and we asked each other question we never usually have ...

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It gets dark early but he had these beautiful candles we put on for light and then did research and starting revising ww1 I catcher myself and him look in my each other eyes a couple of times and we asked each other question we never usually have and we had deep conversation We asked each-other questions like embarrassing moments like first kisses and we laughed a lot and I mean a lot it's now 5:45 pm and his mum has cooked us a beautiful sushi dish she knows it's my favourite

It gets dark early but he had these beautiful candles we put on for light and then did research and starting revising ww1 I catcher myself and him look in my each other eyes a couple of times and we asked each other question we never usually have ...

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His mum says "hey Scarlett and Olivia your gonna have to sleep over as the snow storm is way to heavy and dangerous to go out in." Scarlett is happy as she gets to sleep with her bf but me well it's isn't the best case scenario as I have to sleep on the floor of jadens room. Me and jaden finished doing our presentation an hour ago whilst watching titanic as he loves it which surprised me but I ain't complaining I like it too. Me and jayla are close too we tell eachother alot she knows about me sleeping over so she hands me some pjs so I'm comfy and I stay in her room for a bit but she is going over to another friends house and she doesn't like people staying in her room but I'm the same. It's now 12:30am and jaden tells me "we should start going to bed but we don't have to sleep yet."

He's made a comfy bed on the floor with so many blankets he offers a thousand times "Olivia I can sleep on the floor get in the bed" but I insisted that it is fine.but it's not I'm shivering it's so cold and jaden can tell "hey liv why don't you get in the bed with me there's room for 2" i mean at this point I can't say no I just get up and don't say anything i snug up real close because it's a small double but it is cozy. "Hey liv can I tell to something" he says silently "yeah sure what is it" I asked with mixed emotions "uhhh I- I- you know what never mind" he says with a deep breath "are you sure" I say knowing I'm eager to know what he wants to say I have sort of an idea of what it is as we do have some "flirty relationship" "you know what jaden do you want me to say it for you" he laughs quietly "what do you know" he says confused "yeah do you like me" I blurt "uhhh uhhhh uhhh."

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