Chapter 11

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My anger my fucking anger is sky rocketing "JADEN ARE YOU KIDDING ME" I scream as he pulls away from his kiss with mf Katie. I scream so loud that a group of people come through the room including scarlett "er you didn't see anything" jaden says "are you fucking kidding me "I ddint see anything" did u seriously just say that" I yell. "Yeah he di-" Katie was about to say till scarlett swung at her again and again and again until she was knocked to the floor "you dumb fucking bitch" scarlett yells after every punch.

At this point I have ran out the room crying locking myself in the bathroom with jaden running after me "get the fuck away from me" I cry out loud. "OLIVIA LISTEN TO ME THAT WASNT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE."
I swing the door and yell and throw my hand out "WTF DO YOU MEAN THAT WAS NOT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE I FUCKING SAW YOU KISSING HER" i wheep out. I stay in the bathroom for 10 minutes with jaden banging and banging telling me to get out and he's sorry. This guy really thinks I'm going to except his apology like that he is maddd.
"Get the fuck out of my house" I cry out, I look through the window seeing him exit my house. I felt almost relived and happy he left but I was sat on my bathroom floor with tears rolling down my face. I can't believe I loved someone like that I can't believe I cared for him and told him all the personal details of my life.

"hey liv it's me" I hear a familiar voice banging on my bathroom door "who's me?" I quietly ask. "It's Noah you know Noah in your music class" he says "Noah jupe?" I asked "yeahh can I come in?" He asks hopelessly. "S-sure" to be honest I did really want to talk to someone maybe Noah wasn't the best person to talk to but he's nice and kind so I unlocked the door and let him in.

"Heyy Olivia are you alright, I'm so sorry jaden did that to you knowone deserves that treatment" he says trying to cheer me up, I laugh and let out a little cry "wtf why would anyone do that"I wheep out "I don't know and I don't get it I hate people like him." He says angrily

"Same I hate him right now" I cry "it's going to be okay Olivia trust me I'm always here for you to talk too and I'm hear now" he pulls me in for a hug and he chats with me for 45minutes on the bathroom floor " Noah has Katie left yet" I asked hopefull he'd say yes and he did. "You know Noah I feel so stupid right now I blew out some candles the other day wishing me and jaden would be together forever now I sound so stupid "no Olivia you don't you where hopeless and In love."he says comforting me by stroking my arm.

We both eventually an hour later got up and left the bathroom floor and people where now leaving and where saying thanks aNd that they enjoyed themselves, atleast they did on the other hand I didn't.

Scarlett left with javon and I was alone with Noah who offered to help clean up I said sure as I could really use some company. "Noah thank you for helping me out today I really needed it" I say actually with a smile "no worries any time" he says with a smile. "why did scarlett leave and not stay and cheer you up if you don't mind me asking" he says confused, I never thought of it like that she did leave after all with a boy and did not comfort me when she saw the state I was in. "I mean I guess it's kinda rude especially after she saw the state I was" I say with a tone. "You know you don't have to stay it's 1:23am you should get to bed as tommorow we have school" I say.
"I plan of not going though so there's no point I can help for a little longer" he said. "oh how come your not going school tommorow ahah" I asked intrigued "I just can't be asked, and here's the thing I do, my parents drop me off to school right but there is an alley that I go through and exit school and go into town, you can come if you like it may cheer you up" I honestly don't know isn't that bad if we get caught "errrr I mean I'm blaming you if we get caught" I say "so that's a yes then" he says giddy "errr yeah sure why not"

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