Chapter 8

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Jaden-Olivia your overreacting
Am i?
Me- I didn't do anything will talk later cya x
i go to Scarlett and we have the same classes till lunch time. I don't eat school food I bring my own lunch bar and sandwich as school food sucks and I hate eating in the canteen so I prefer eating outside when only Scarlett can see me eat.
period 1 passes
period 2 passes
period 3 passes
finally lunch, today is going too slow.
i grab my sandwich and walk over to Scarlett

i always have bought to sandwiches in for the past 2 years one for me and one for Scarlett as she loves my food and I don't blame her

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i always have bought to sandwiches in for the past 2 years one for me and one for Scarlett as she loves my food and I don't blame her.
"hey oliviaaaa" Scarlett says with her energetic energy "hi" I say quietly. I can tell Scarlett knows I'm upset like come on she's been my friend for ages. "Olivia tell me what is wrong" She says knowingly. "uhhh okay fine but promise you won't tell anyone so me and jaden have been datingishhh and I don't know I think he's embarrassed of me" I say sadly "wtaf you and jaden omg I'm so happy for you and I'm sure he ain't embarrassed of you like everyone wanna be with you girl" she says reassuringly. "Come on go speak to him"she tells me.

And that's what I did I got the confidence to go up to his whole friend group like atleast 9 boys and I show him who is the boss. Now what I do next I don't think I should of done but I was in the moment I just felt like a bad bitch I walked up to him and grab his face and kissed him like I really really kissed him infront of all him friends. The second hand embarrassment, 2 or 3 of his friends walk off some filmed and the rest watched in disbelief. After 10 seconds he pulls me off and just looks at me and says "what are you doing?" He says angry and shy. "I'm just proving a point. I can tell your embarrassed of me" i say sad but more angry. "Hold up ur hooking up" one of the popular boys says. I look at jaden, he doesn't say anything for 5 seconds until he coughs and says "ye- yes we are" and grabs my hand. My heart I smile and just wait for a reaction from the other boys. They just giggle and say "well done jaden" and stuff like "good job"

damn my ego is high and I mean high high. I walk of and tell Scarlett everything and just can't stop smiling.
I finish school at normal time but planned on going to the Walton's ljke I do most nights now as everyone can know I'm excited to tell my mum as she's always wanted me to have a boyfriend and she is going to be even
More happier when she finds out it's jaden.

period 5 bell*
Finally home time I can't wait. Im excited about the fact I get to spend my afternoon with the Walton's. There mum is picking me and my little sister up and is going to bring us to there's my parents where already at the Walton's as they had lunch together and now we're going to have dinner. Honestly I don't know how we're going to tell our parents we're dating I never thought about that part but I want them to know soon.

"heyy crazy girl" I heard jaden says "haha don't even I can't believe I did that" I say embarrassed. "ahahah don't be embarrassed" he says cutely. I see my little sister I hold her hand and wait for there car to arrive and as soon as it comes I put my bags in the back and buckle up.

jadens mum is very talkative and asks me a lot of questions about school which I don't mind as atleast it's someone to talk to, they have planned on making us my favourite dinner as it is my birthday on Wednesday and I won't be seeing Jessica and dj till next week , I will be seeing jaden jayla and javon though as they will be and my birthday but they decided to have a nice dinner for me to celebrate today.

We arrive and I say hey to my parents and go straight up to jayla and say "heyyy jayla it's your favourite person besides Kylee" i see jayla just smiling at me and she says "heyy girlieeee" I talk to her for a solid 20 minutes until I get a message from jaden telling me to come in his bedroom. I mean I'm dirty minded so I took it in the wrong way but I just went straight in as soon as I saw that message.

"heyyy" I say swinging the door open and flung myself onto the bed. "Heyy my favourite person" I smile and he gives me a full om make out on the lips we where going full on into it I didn't even realise I left the door open and fuck his dad is standing right there watching a 15 year old girl sat on his sons laps now this is awkward.

A/N I've realised how shit this story is and how rushed it sounds and I'm sorry (someone even added me to there hate library thing I was like wtf 😂 thanks for honesty though) give me so ideas on what to do next and thanks so much for 1k reads it does mean a whole lot. And also I'm this story jaden is just turned 16 and Olivia is 15 turning 16 on Wednesday so it isn't weird and also again can you lot give me ideas for what i should do with the party scene and stuff I will try and give credit in the a/n at the end. Also before anyone asks I wont be adding smut to this book as there both technically minors and that's a bit weird anyone bye bye.

Mine-jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now